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SrikandiTV - Apabila orang di atas perahu bermotor kecil terperangkap oleh ribut di utara Laut Putih lewat radio SOS, mereka tidak mengharapkan bantuan yang akan datang dalam bentuk sebuah kapal selam nuklear 154m panjang.
Pada hari Ahad, 11 meter bot Barents-1100 cuba utk mengelakkan ribut di Laut Putih di pantai utara-barat Rusia, apabila anak kapal sedar bahawa mereka telah ber-jalan terlalu rendah untuk bahan api.
Jadi mereka menghantar isyarat kecemasan ke pelabuhan rumah mereka Arkhangelsk.
Perkhidmatan menyelamat menghantar 2 kapal dan Mi-8 pengangkutan helikopter untuk menyelamatkan. Tetapi orang pertama yang menyahut seruan itu ialah Oscar kelas nuklear digerakkan dasar laut pelayaran-peluru berpandu K-119 Voronezh dari-pada Utara Armada Rusia, iaitu di kawasan yang menjalankan latihan, Kementerian Pertahanan meaporkan.
Kapal selam yang besar menghampiri bot hanya 40 minit selepas mereka meminta bantuan dan mengambil masa 4 anak kapal dan seorang penumpang di atas kapal.
Huge Nuclear Sub Rescues Crew Of tiny Boat
Off Russia's NW Coast . . .
When people on board a small motorboat trapped by a storm in the northern White Sea radioed SOS, they didn't expect that help would come in the form of a 154m-long nuclear submarine.
On Sunday, the 11-meter boat Barents-1100 was trying to avoid a storm in the White Sea at the north-west coast of Russia, when crew members realized that they were running too low on fuel.
So they sent a distress signal to their home port of Arkhangelsk.
Rescue services dispatched two ships and a Mi-8 transport helicopter to the rescue. But the first one to respond to the call was the Oscar-class nuclear-propelled cruise-missile submarine K-119 Voronezh of the Russian Northern Fleet, which was in the area conducting training, the Defense Ministry reported.
The huge submarine approached the boat just 40 minutes after they asked for help and took four crew members and one passenger aboard.
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Seperti cuaca semakin teruk, komander kapal selam memutuskan untuk mengekalkan orang awam di atas kapal dan mengambil bot mereka di tunda. Ini terbukti sebagai berhemah, kerana beberapa jam kemudian bot terbelah jauh dan ditiup oleh angin ke dalam laut.
Kapal selam dan kapal perang disertakan ia kini berpindah ke pangkalan mereka di Severodvinsk berhampiran Arkhangelsk. Yang menyelamatkan kelasi dan penumpang akan diangkut ke kapal permukaan sebaik sahaja permit cuaca.
Ini bukan luar biasa untuk Tentera Laut untuk menyelamatkan kapal-kapal awam, walaupun biasanya operasi itu tidak memerlukan penglibatan selam nuklear. Kes sebelumnya seperti di Rusia Utara Fleet adalah pada bulan Januari, apabila kapal selam serangan Sierra II kelas B-534 Nizhny Novgorod menyelamatkan 3 nelayan terkandas di Laut Barrents. Pada tahun 2012, K-414 Daniil Moskovsky, Victor III kelas serangan kapal selam, memindahkan kru sebuah bot nelayan minit2 sebelum ia tenggelam.
As the weather was getting worse, the submarine commander decided to keep the civilians on board and take their boat in tow. This proved to be prudent, since hours later the boat was torn away and blown by the winds into the open sea.
The submarine and a warship accompanying it are currently moving to their base in Severodvinsk near Arkhangelsk. The rescues sailors and passengers will be transported to the surface ship as soon as weather permits.
It's not uncommon for the Navy to rescue civilian ships, although usually such operations do not require involvement of nuclear submarines. The previous such case in the Russian Northern Fleet was in January, when the Sierra II-class attack submarine B-534 Nizhny Novgorod rescued three fishermen stranded in the Barrents Sea. In 2012, the K-414 Daniil Moskovsky, a Victor III-class attack submarine, evacuated the crew of a fishing boat merely minutes before it sank.
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