Monday 29 July 2013

People walk past underneath an umbrella canopy in downtown Belgrade

TOP NEWS Photos: Orang berjalan lalu di bawah kanopi payung di pusat bandar Belgrade 29 Jul 2013. Suhu di Serbia telah meningkat sehingga 40 darjah Celsius (104 darjah Fahrenheit), menurut data meteorologi rasmi (People walk past underneath an umbrella canopy in downtown Belgrade July 29, 2013. Temperatures in Serbia have risen up to 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), according to official meteorological data. REUTERS/Marko Djurica (SERBIA - SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

A riot police officer orders a news photographer to move away during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Seorang pegawai polis rusuhan arahan seorang jurugambar berita untuk bergerak semasa protes anti-kerajaan di pusat bandar Istanbul 28 Julai 2013  (A riot police officer orders a news photographer to move away during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul July 28, 2013. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

A North Korean man walks in front of a huge billboard with the North Korean national flag ahead of a celebration event to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of a truce . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Seorang lelaki Korea Utara berjalan di hadapan papan iklan besar dengan bendera kebangsaan Korea Utara menjelang acara sambutan untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke-60 menandatangani gencatan senjata dalam Perang Korea 1950-1953, di Stadium Kim Il-sung, di Pyongyang 28 Julai 2013 (A North Korean man walks in front of a huge billboard with the North Korean national flag ahead of a celebration event to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of a truce in the 1950-1953 Korean War, at Kim Il-sung Stadium, in Pyongyang July 28, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Lee (NORTH KOREA - POLITICS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY ANNIVERSARY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Rayya, mother of Palestinian Fares Baroud, who has been held prisoner by Israel for 22 years, kisses his picture after hearing news . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Rayya, ibu Tambang Palestin Baroud, yang telah di penjara oleh Israel selama 22 tahun, mencium gambar selepas mendengar berita mengenai siaran kemungkinan anaknya di rumahnya di kem pelarian Shati di Gaza City 28 Jul 2013. Baroud dijangka menjadi antara lebih daripada 100 banduan Arab yang akan dikeluarkan sebagai langkah untuk memperbaharui rundingan damai terhenti dengan Palestin menjelang rancangan untuk mengadakan perunding di Washington minggu ini. Menteri Israel belum lagi mengundi pada pelepasan ini (Rayya, mother of Palestinian Fares Baroud, who has been held prisoner by Israel for 22 years, kisses his picture after hearing news on the possible release of her son in her house at Shati refugee camp in Gaza City July 28, 2013. Baroud was expected to be among more than 100 Arab prisoners to be released as a step to renew stalled peace talks with the Palestinians ahead of plans to convene negotiators in Washington later this week. Israeli ministers have yet to vote on the releases. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (GAZA - POLITICS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Alphorn blowers and flag throwers perform an ensemble piece on the last day of the international alphorn festival . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Peniup Alphorn dan mencampakkan bendera melaksanakan sekeping ensemble pada hari terakhir perayaan Alphorn antarabangsa mengenai Alp daripada Tracouet di Nendaz, di selatan Switzerland, 28 Julai, 2013. Kira-kira 150 peniup Alphorn mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan itu tahun ini. Gambar diambil dengan lensa fisheye. (Alphorn blowers and flag throwers perform an ensemble piece on the last day of the international alphorn festival on the alp of Tracouet in Nendaz, in southern Switzerland, July 28, 2013. About 150 alphorn blowers took part in the contest this year. Picture taken with a fisheye lens. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse (SWITZERLAND - SOCIETY TRAVEL TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

A Buddhist monk throws a rock at a destroyed police car during a clash at the end of election day in Phnom Penh . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Seorang sami Buddha membaling batu pada kereta polis dimusnahkan semasa pertembungan pada akhir hari pilihan raya di Phnom Penh 28 Julai 2013. Kemboja mengundi pada hari Ahad dalam pilihan raya mungkin untuk menyerahkan 5 lagi tahun berkuasa untuk perdana menteri Asia paling lama berkhidmat, Hun Sen, tetapi pembangkang bertenaga mengatakan terdapat penyelewengan dan ia akan terus berjuang untuk demokrasi yang sebenar (A Buddhist monk throws a rock at a destroyed police car during a clash at the end of election day in Phnom Penh July 28, 2013. Cambodians voted on Sunday in an election likely to hand another five years in power to Asia's longest-serving prime minister, Hun Sen, but an energised opposition says there have been irregularities and it will continue to fight for true democracy. REUTERS/Samrang Pring (CAMBODIA - POLITICS ELECTIONS CIVIL UNREST RELIGION TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Mesir: Ikhwan Muslimin terus ‘Sit-in’ selepas puluhan terbunuh oleh pasukan keselamatan . . .

Mesir: Ikhwan Muslimin terus ‘Sit-in’ selepas puluhan dibunuh oleh pasukan keselamatan. Penyokong Ikhwan Muslimin adalah mereka yang berterusan duduk dalam protes di Kaherah, selepas sekurang-kurangnya 72 orang telah ditembak mati oleh pasukan keselamatan Mesir.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Mesir telah memberi amaran bahawa penunjuk perasaan yang tidak lama lagi akan tersebar. Tetapi ‘Sit-in’, yang telah berlangsung selama hampir 5 minggu di luar Rabaa masjid al-Adawiya Kaherah, menarik lebih banyak penyokong sejak keganasan pada hari Sabtu.

Beratus-ratus ribu orang yang menyeru Mursi, presiden pertama Mesir yang dipilih secara demokrasi yang disingkirkan oleh tentera, yang akan dikembalikan.

Salam Ahmed, seorang penyokong Mursi berkata: "Saya meninggalkan keluarga saya dan rumah saya untuk menyertai ‘Sit-in’ kerana saya sedar rejim Mubarak masih mengawal negara ini."

Dekat dengan Rabaa masjid al-Adawiya, rumah mayat sementara telah ditubuhkan. Medan Doktor menggambarkan kecederaan yang mereka lihat sebagai "Seperti neraka." 60 orang masih pada mesin sokongan hayat.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood continue sit-in after dozens killed by security forces. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood are continuing their sit-in protest in Cairo, after at least 72 people were shot dead by Egyptian security forces.

Egypt's interior minister has warned that protesters will soon be dispersed. But the sit-in, which has been going for almost five weeks outside Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, is attracting more supporters since the violence on Saturday.

Hundreds of thousands of people are calling for Mursi, Egypt's first democratically elected president ousted by the army, to be reinstated.

Salam Ahmed, a supporter of Mursi said: "I left my family and my house to join the sit-in because I realised the Mubarak regime still controls the country."

Close to Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, a makeshift morgue has been set up. Field doctors describe the injuries they saw as "like hell." Sixty people are still on life-support machines.

Beribu-ribu Gas pemedih mata: Anti-Kerajaan penunjuk perasaan bertembung dengan polis Peru . . .


Beribu-ribu Gas pemedih mata: Anti-Kerajaan penunjuk perasaan bertembung dengan polis Peru. Polis rusuhan menyekat laluan beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan berarak pada kongres di ibu kota Peru, Lima. Pegawai menggunakan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air ke atas aktivis yang mengecam rasuah kerajaan dan menggesa presiden untuk perubahan.

Thousands Teargassed: Anti-govt protesters clash with Peru police. Riot police blocked the passage of thousands of anti-government protesters marching on congress in Peru's capital, Lima. Officers used tear gas and water cannon on activists who slammed government corruption and called on the president for change.

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