Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Pengebom US Stealth B-2 DiKERAHKAN ke UK, mendarat di PENGKALAN Udara RAF Fairford . . .

SrikandiTV Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat telah menghantar banyak daripada pengebom ke Eropah, menggunakan 2 B-2 pesawat stealth sebagai sebahagian dari-pada latihan tentera. Pada hari Ahad mereka menyertai 3 B-52 pengebom Stratofort-ress sudah dikerahkan di Britain –

2 B-2 Spirit pengebom stealth yang baru sahaja tiba di UK untuk penempatan di luar negara agak luar biasa (2 B-2 Spirit stealth bombers have just arrived in UK for a quite unusual overseas deployment): 

RAW: US stealth B-2 bombers deployed to UK,
land at RAF Fairford airbase . . .

The US Air Force has sent more of its bombers to Europe, deploying two B-2 stealth aircraft as part of a military exercise. On Sunday they joined three B-52 StratoFortress bombers already deployed in Britain –
