Saturday 7 December 2013

‘Jangan sekali-kali naik kapal terbang lagi’: Jet Jumbo akan membatalkan pendaratan yang didera ribut Angin Silang UK (VIDEO)

AFP Photo/Marwan Naamani (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Beberapa kapal terbang di seluruh Britain terpaksa membatalkan penda-ratan dan diarahkan semula ke lapangan terbang lain 100 mph angin mendatangkan malapetaka di negara ini, memaksa beratus-ratus penerbangan ditunda. Rakaman dramatik pendaratan gagal Boeing - 777 muncul dalam talian.

Rakaman amatur telah muncul seorang Emirates Boeing - 777 dari Dubai cuba mendarat angin silang di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Birmingham pada hari Khamis, sebelum menarik diri pada saat-saat akhir.

“Seperti yang kita datang ke arah bandar, pesawat bergoncang dalam perjalanan ke bawah . Kita boleh lihat dari dalam penerbangan monitor yang pesawat itu hanyut ke kiri seperti yang kita telah mendarat,” penumpang Kevon Miller memberitahu Birmingham Mail.

“Apabila pesawat itu mula berlegar kembali dari pendaratan, kita fikir perintis itu adalah separuh tidur dan hilang kawalan !” Kata penumpang lain, Muhammad Zulfiqar.

‘Never getting on a plane again’: Jumbo jet aborts cross wind landing in storm battered UK (VIDEO)

Several planes across Britain have been forced to abort landings and redirected to other airports as 100 mph winds wreaked havoc on the country, forcing hundreds of flights to be delayed. Dramatic footage of a Boeing-777 failed landing appeared online.

Amateur footage has emerged of an Emirates Boeing-777 from Dubai attempting a crosswind landing at Birmingham International Airport on Thursday, before pulling away at the last moment.

“As we came towards the city, the plane was shaking on the way down. We could see from the in-flight monitors that the plane was drifting to the left as we were landing,” passenger Kevon Miller told the Birmingham Mail.

“When the plane started hovering back up from the landing, we thought the pilot was half-asleep and had lost control!” said another passenger, Muhammad Zulfiqar.

Pesawat itu cuba untuk pergi lebih sekitar, tetapi terpaksa dibawa ke lapangan terbang Gatwick, di mana penumpang menunggu di dalam, sebelum angin hilang secukupnya untuk pesawat untuk membuat satu lagi, berjaya, mendarat di Birmingham.

“Jangan sekali-kali naik kapal terbang lagi. Sepenuhnya di atas mahu menangis,” Miller disiarkan di Instagram.

2 penerbangan EasyJet ditakdirkan untuk Edinburgh juga dialihkan. Laluan dari Bristol terpaksa membuat singgah di Newcastle, dan dilanda kilat kerana ia cuba mendarat, dan jet lain terpaksa mendarat di Glasgow.

Penumpang dalam kebanyakan lapangan terbang di seluruh utara negara dan Scotland dinasihatkan untuk sentiasa memeriksa kemas kini status penerbangan berubah dari jam ke jam.

The plane attempted to more go-arounds, but had to be redirected to Gatwick airport, where passengers waited inside, before winds died down sufficiently for the plane to make another, successful, landing in Birmingham

"Never getting on a plane again. Full on wanted to cry," Miller posted on Instagram.

Two EasyJet flights destined for Edinburgh were also diverted. A route from Bristol had to make a stopover at Newcastle, and was hit by lightning as it tried to land, and another jet had to land in Glasgow.

Passengers in most airports around the north of the country and Scotland are advised to constantly check updates as flight status is changing from hour to hour.

UJIAN Amerika Syarikat diklasifikasikan pengintip Drone dengan ‘Penyusupan Unggul, Keupayaan Kecekapan’ . . .

RQ-180 (Image from – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

JohnnyAdam – Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat sedang menguji yang besar, Drone rahsia teratas di Area 51, yang outdoes pesawat tanpa pemandu pada masa ini digunakan dari segi kecekapan penyusupan dan aerodinamik, laporan media Amerika Syarikat. Drone yang unggul baru dijadualkan untuk memasuki pengeluaran dan boleh beroperasi untuk Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat seawal tahun 2015, satu laporan eksklusif oleh majalah Aviation Week berkata.

Menurut pertahanan dan perisikan pegawai yang tidak dinamakan, pesawat itu - dipanggil RQ - 180 - direka untuk tugas-tugas perisikan, pengawasan dan peninjauan (ISR). Ia akan menjalankan misi ISR menembusi yang telah ditinggalkan belum diatasi selepas persaraan Lockheed SR- 71 “Blackbird” pesawat peninjau jarak jauh pada tahun 1998.

Drone yang dibiayai daripada bajet dikelaskan Tentera Udara, telah dibangunkan oleh Northrop Grumman aeroangkasa dan teknologi pertahanan syarikat, yang memenangi pertandingan itu daripada Boeing dan Lockheed Martin.

Syarikat itu nampaknya mula bekerja pada RQ - 180 pada tahun 2008 apabila ia mende-dahkan peningkatan $ 2 bilion dalam portfolio perintahnya, majalah itu menyatakan. Kenderaan udara baru tanpa pemandu pada masa ini melaksanakan penerbangan ujian di Kawasan 51 di Nevada dikenali sebagai asas operasi yang diketahui paling selamat Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat, kata Aviation Week.

Kedua-dua Tentera Udara dan Northrop Grumman enggan mengulas mengenai projek rahsia apabila mereka ditanya oleh wartawan. Satu ciri utama reka bentuk RQ - 180 adalah peningkatan dalam radar keratan rentas ke atas Lockheed Martin F - 117, F - 22 dan F - 35. Dioptimumkan ini untuk memberi perlindungan daripada ancaman pemancar rendah dan frekuensi tinggi dari semua arah.

Keadaan reka bentuk seni juga menggabungkan penyusupan dengan kecekapan aerodi-namik unggul untuk ketinggian meningkat, jarak dan masa di stesen. Drone yang baru adalah sama dalam saiz kepada Northrop Grumman RQ - 4 Global Hawk bukan diam-diam tanpa pemandu kenderaan udara (UAV), yang kini digunakan di Iraq dan Afghanistan, tetapi mungkin untuk bersara tahun depan.

RQ - 180 mempunyai berat hampir 15 tan dan boleh beroperasi selama 24 jam, 1200 nm dari tapaknya, melebihi sebelumnya yang lebih kecil RQ - 170, yang boleh berada di udara selama 5 hingga 6 jam. Drone yang baru dilihat sebagai kunci untuk peralihan aset Tentera Udara Amerika Syarikat ISR dari persekitaran ‘permisif’ seperti Iraq dan Afghanistan ke arah operasi dalam ‘bertanding’ atau ‘menafikan’ ruang udara.

Pada bulan September, Timbalan Ketua Tentera Udara kakitangan untuk ISR, Leftenan Jeneral Robert Otto, berkata “keutamaan”dalam perisikan, pengawasan dan peninjauan adalah “untuk mengimbangi semula dan mengoptimumkan keupayaan ISR bersepadu kami”.

US tests Classified Spy drone with ‘Superior Stealth, 
Efficiency Capabilities’ . . .

The US Air Force is testing a large, top secret drone at Area 51, which outdoes the currently used unmanned aircrafts in terms of stealth and aerodynamic efficiency, US media report. The new superior drone is scheduled to enter production and may be operational for the US Air Force as early as 2015, an exclusive report by Aviation Week magazine said.

According to unnamed defense and intelligence officials, the aircraft – called RQ-180 – is designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) tasks.  It’ll conduct the penetrating ISR missions that have been left unaddressed after the retirement of the Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird” long-range reconnaissance aircraft back in 1998.

The drone, funded from the Air Force’s classified budget, was developed by Northrop Grumman aerospace and defense technology company, which won the competition from Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

The company apparently began working on RQ-180 in 2008 when it revealed a $2 billion increase in its order portfolio, the magazine claimed. The new unmanned aerial vehicle is currently performing test flights at the Area 51 in Nevada known as most secure known operating base of the US Air Force, Aviation Week said.

Both the Air Force and Northrop Grumman refused to comment on the secret project when they were asked by journalists. A key feature of the RQ-180’s design is an improvement in its radar cross-section over Lockheed Martin’s F-117, F-22 and F-35. This is optimized to provide protection from low- and high-frequency threat emitters from all directions.

The state-of-the-art design also combines stealth with superior aerodynamic efficiency for increased altitude, range and time on station. The new drone is similar in size to the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk non-stealthy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which is currently used in Iraq and Afghanistan, but is likely to retire next year.

The RQ-180 weighs nearly 15 tons and can operate for 24 hours, 1,200 nm from its base, exceeding its smaller predecessor RQ-170, which can stay in the air for five to six hours. The new drone is seen as key for the shift of US Air Force ISR assets away from ‘permissive’ environments such as Iraq and Afghanistan toward operations in ‘contested’ or ‘denied’ airspace.

In September, Air Force deputy chief of staff for ISR, Lt. Gen. Robert Otto, said the “first priority” in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance is “to rebalance and optimize our integrated ISR capabilities”.

9 yang mati, RIBUAN yang TERJEJAS kerana RIBUT Xaver MENYAPU timur di SELURUH Eropah . . .

Laut melanda jalan2 Harbour banjir di Helsingborg, selatan Sweden, pada 6 Disember 2013 sebagai ribut Xaver melanda selatan Sweden pada malam Khamis.  (The sea hits the flooded Harbour Road in Helsingborg, southern Sweden, on December 6, 2013 as storm Xaver hit southern Sweden on Thursday night (AFP Photo/TT News Agency/Johan Nilsson/Sweden out – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Beratus-ratus ribu orang telah ditinggalkan tanpa kuasa atau terdampar oleh huru-hara pengangkutan sebagai ribut Xaver melanda seluruh Eropah utara. Sekurang-kurangnya 9 orang terbunuh dalam bencana itu.

Perkhidmatan kecemasan di seluruh rantau ini berjuang semalaman untuk memaksakan daik kurang tajam, mengosongkan kawasan pelabuhan banjir dan membaiki kerosakan daripada pokok-pokok digulingkan yang terhempas ke rumah-rumah, jalan raya dan talian kuasa.

Ribut Atlantik Xaver melanda ke utara Eropah lewat hari Khamis selepas mengganggu pengangkutan dan kuasa di utara Britain di mana 2 orang telah mati. Angin sehingga 158 kilometer sejam berlaras di seluruh Jerman, Belanda, Poland dan bahagian selatan Scandinavia.

Blackouts melanda 400,000 rumah di Poland dan terjejas 50,000 orang di Sweden, manakala beribu-ribu penumpang udara terkandas sebagai penerbangan dibatalkan di Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Gdansk dan lapangan terbang lain, AFP melaporkan.

9 dead, thousands affected as Storm Xaver Sweeps 
East Across Europe . . .

Hundreds of thousands have been left without power or stranded by transportation chaos as the storm Xaver is sweeping across northern Europe. At least nine people have died in the disaster.

Emergency services across the region battled overnight to sandbag sodden dykes, evacuate flooded harbor areas and repair damage from toppled trees that crashed onto houses, roads and power lines.

Atlantic storm Xaver swept into northern Europe late Thursday after disrupting transport and power in northern Britain where two people have died. The winds of up to 158 kilometers per hour barreled across Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and southern parts of Scandinavia.

Blackouts hit 400,000 homes in Poland and affected 50,000 people in Sweden, while thousands of air passengers were stranded as flights were canceled at Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Gdansk and other airports, AFP reports.

Kereta terkandas di dalam kesesakan lalu lintas semasa salji berat turun di Olpe, Jerman, pada 6 Disember 2013. (Cars stand in a traffic jam during heavy snow falls in Olpe, Germany, on December 6, 2013. (AFP Photo/DPA/Marius Becker/Germany out – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Di bandar Poland Poraj, dahan pokok yang besar telah tumbang ke kereta2 dengan angin yang kuat Jumaat. 3 orang terbunuh dan satu cedera dalam kemalangan itu, Reuters melaporkan. Bencana, dianggap ribut paling teruk untuk memukul benua dalam beberapa dekad, juga membunuh dua orang dan mencederakan berpuluh-puluh di UK sebagai angin mencapai kelajuan maksimum 225 kilometer sejam.

Seorang pemandu lori mati apabila kenderaannya terbalik, dengan lelaki lain yang terbunuh oleh pokok yang tumbang. Kira-kira 10,000 rakyat Britain telah dipindahkan dari rumah mereka di kawasan pantai timur rendah pada hari Khamis, dengan pihak berkuasa memberi amaran bahawa bahaya masih belum berlalu lagi.

UK sedang menghadapi lonjakan pasang surut yang paling serius untuk lebih daripada 60 tahun sebagai paras laut di beberapa kawasan melebihi mereka semasa banjir dahsyat tahun 1953, yang menyaksikan lebih 300 terbunuh.

In the Polish town of Poraj, the branch of a huge tree was thrown into a car by a strong wind Friday. Three people were killed and one injured in the accident, Reuters reports. The disaster, considered the worst storm to hit the continent in decades, also killed two people and injured dozens in the UK as winds reached maximum speeds of 225 kilometers per hour.

A truck driver died when his vehicle overturned, with another man being killed by a falling tree. Around 10,000 Britons were evacuated from their homes in low-lying east coast areas on Thursday, with the authorities warning that the danger hasn’t passed yet.

The UK is facing the most serious tidal surge for more than 60 years as sea levels in some areas exceed those during the devastating floods of 1953, which saw over 300 killed.

Kakitangan perkhidmatan kecemasan berdiri di pantai berhampiran rumah chalet yang ditarik ke dalam ke laut semasa lonjakan pasang surut di Hemsby, di timur England, pada 6 Disember 2013. (Emergency services personnel stand on the beach near a chalet home that was drawn into th sea during a tidal surge at Hemsby, in the east of England, on December 6, 2013. (AFP Photo/Justin Tallis – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Beberapa rumah tepi pantai, pondok bot penyelamat dan kafe jatuh ke dalam laut yang berikut ribut di Norfolk, Daily Mail melaporkan. “Ia hanya berlaku dengan begitu pantas semalam. Satu minit ia adalah selamat dan minit seterusnya ia telah hilang,” Steven Connelly, pemilik rumah tepi pantai terjejas akibat ribut itu, memberitahu akhbar itu.

Pertahanan banjir didirikan di Britain selepas 1953 acara telah dilindungi lebih daripada 800,000 rumah, Owen Paterson, Setiausaha Alam Sekitar di UK, berkata selepas mesyuarat kerajaan darurat Jumaat. Di Denmark , seorang penumpang wanita berusia 72 tahun trak berkubur apabila kenderaan terbalik di lolongan angin.

Pengawal pantai Sweden sedang mencari laut selama 2 kelasi yang telah dibersihkan dari dek kargo kapal Belanda 22 kilometer, Laporan laman web tempatan.

Several beachside houses, a lifeboat hut and a cafe fell into the sea following the storm in Norfolk, the Daily Mail reports. “It just happened so fast yesterday. One minute it was safe and the next minute it was gone,” Steven Connelly, a beachside house owner affected by the storm, told the paper.

The flood defenses erected in Britain after the 1953 events had protected more than 800,000 homes, Owen Paterson, the UK’s Environment Secretary, said after an emergency government meeting Friday. In Denmark, a 72-year-old female passenger of a truck died when the vehicle overturned in howling winds.

Sweden’s coast guards are searching the sea for two sailors who were washed off the deck of a Dutch cargo ship 22 kilometers, The Local website reports.

Gelombang melanda depan laut pada 6 Disember 2013 di Raageleje, utara Copenhagen, sebagai ribut Haver melanda Denmark. (Waves hit the sea front on December 6, 2013 in Raageleje, north of Copenhagen, as storm Haver hits Denmark. (AFP Photo/Scanpix Denmark/Keld Navntoft/Denmark out – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Beberapa lintasan feri ke dan dari Sweden telah dibatalkan, dengan keputusan yang dibuat untuk menghentikan kereta api di selatan negara ini. “Kami tidak mahu menghadapi risiko terhempas ke dalam terbang pokok di 160 kilometer sejam,” Linus Eriksson daripada Swedish perkhidmatan kereta api SJ memberitahu agensi berita TT. Sekurang-kurangnya satu orang telah mati di selatan negara ini selepas pokok jatuh dalam angin kencang.

Kira-kira 4,000 orang kekal tanpa kuasa di utara Jerman, dengan sekolah-sekolah ditutup dan kira-kira 70 penerbangan di lapangan terbang Hamburg dibatalkan. Pengendali kereta api di negara ini, Deutsche Bahn, berkata serpihan yang tersumbat garis kelajuan tinggi antara bandar-bandar terbesar di negara ini, Hamburg dan Berlin.

Air banjir di pelabuhan Hamburg meningkat kepada 6 meter di atas paras normal awal Jumaat, yang paling tinggi dalam beberapa dekad, kata pegawai-pegawai. Sementara itu, Xaver terus bergerak ke arah timur, dengan ribut amaran diisytiharkan di Kaliningrad, Rusia wilayah barat di pantai Laut Baltik.

Several ferry crossings to and from Sweden were canceled, with a decision made to halt trains in the south of the country. “We did not want to run the risk of crashing into a tree flying at 160 kilometers an hour,” Linus Eriksson from Swedish rail service SJ told the TT news agency. At least one person has already died in the south of the country after a tree fell in the fierce gusts of wind.

About 4,000 people remain without power in northern Germany, with schools closed and about 70 flights at Hamburg airport canceled. The country’s rail operator, Deutsche Bahn, said that the debris blocked a high-speed line between the country’s largest cities, Hamburg and Berlin.

Floodwaters in the port of Hamburg rose to 6 meters above normal levels early Friday, the highest in decades, the officials said. Meanwhile, Xaver continues moving eastward, with storm alert declared in Kaliningrad, the western Russian enclave on the coast of the Baltic Sea.

Sebuah bot terbaring sebelah, pada 6 Disember 2013 di Thorsminde Harbour, di pantai barat iin Jutland sebagai ribut Haver melanda Denmark. (A boat lying on the side, on December 6, 2013 in Thorsminde Harbour, on the west coast iin Jutland as storm Haver hits Denmark. (AFP Photo/Scanpix Denmark/Keld Navntoft/Denmark out – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

RIBUT  Xaver dilaporkan adalah Malapetaka yang 
BERBAHAYA di Seluruh EROPAH . . .

JohnnyAdam – Angin taufan yang telah digulingkan pokok, koyak bumbung terbuka dan berbau malapetaka di seluruh Eropah utara. Di Poland, Ribut Xaver membunuh 3 orang dan mencederakan lain apabila cawangan terputus ditiupkan ke atas dan menghancurkan kereta.

Angin kencang juga menjatuhkan garis elektrik, meninggalkan lebih daripada 100,000 orang tanpa kuasa. Syarikat penerbangan LOT Poland juga terpaksa membatalkan bebe-rapa penerbangan domestik dan Eropah kerana apa yang digambarkan sebagai, “peruba-han cuaca yang tidak dijangka.”

Sementara itu di Jerman kira-kira 4,000 orang di bahagian utara negara adalah tanpa kuasa. Sekolah-sekolah dan beberapa jalan raya ditutup, manakala kira-kira 70 penerban-gan keluar dari Hamburg dibatalkan.

Satu barisan kereta api berkelajuan tinggi antara Hamburg dan Berlin telah ditutup selepas ia menghalang oleh sampah-sarap di trek. Di Britain, beribu-ribu telah dipindah-kan berikutan lonjakan pasang surut - yang paling teruk dalam tempoh 60 tahun - di sepanjang pantai timur negara itu.

Storm Xaver reeks deadly havoc across Europe

Its hurricane force winds have toppled trees, torn open roofs and reeked havoc across northern Europe. In Poland, Storm Xaver killed three people and injured another when a severed branch was blown onto and crushed a car.

High winds also downed electricity lines, leaving more than 100,000 people without power. The Polish airline LOT was also forced to cancel some domestic and European flights due to what was described as, "unexpected weather changes."

Meanwhile in Germany about 4,000 people in the north of country were without power. Schools and some roads were closed, while about 70 flights out of Hamburg were cancelled. 

A high-speed rail line between Hamburg and Berlin was closed after it was blocked by falling debris on the tracks. In Britain, thousands were evacuated due to a tidal surge - the worst in 60 years - along the east coast of the country.

Lonjakan pasang surut paling teruk dalam tempoh 60 tahun 
adunan pantai timur UK dan seret rumah ke laut . . .

JohnnyAdam – Rumah telah musnah sebagai lonjakan yang paling teruk pasang surut yang melanda UK dalam tempoh 60 tahun melanda pantai timur Britain pada hari Khamis. Agensi Alam Sekitar menganggarkan bahawa pertahanan laut dilindungi lebih daripada 800,000 rumah, tetapi apabila lonjakan digabungkan dengan pasang surut air dan angin yang kuat banyak halangan telah dilanggar.

Kerja-kerja pembaikan kini dijalankan dalam banyak komuniti. Dalam Hemsby di Norfolk tujuh syarikat itu digulingkan daripada jawatan cenuram dan runtuh ke dalam laut. Beribu-ribu rumah di sepanjang pantai timur telah dipindahkan sebagai Laut Utara men-capai tahap yang lebih tinggi daripada itu semasa banjir dahsyat tahun 1953.

2 orang mati pada ribut Khamis, tetapi cuaca kini dikatakan telah berkurangan, walau bagaimanapun, banjir dijangka berterusan sepanjang hari Jumaat. 

Worst tidal surge in 60 years batters UK east coast 
and drags homes into the sea

Homes were destroyed as the worst tidal surge to hit the UK in 60 years struck the east coast of Britain on Thursday. The Environmental Agency estimated that sea defences protected more than 800,000 homes, but when the surge combined with high tides and strong winds many barriers were breached.

Repair works are now underway in many communities. In Hemsby in Norfolk seven houses were toppled from their clifftop positions and collapsed into the sea. Thousands of homes along the east coast were evacuated as the North Sea reached higher levels than it did during the devastating floods of 1953.

Two people died in Thursday's storms, but the weather is now said to be easing, however, flooding is expected to continue throughout Friday. Report by Laurie Blake.

Pandangan udara: rumah jatuh ke dalam laut di Hemsby, 
Norfolk selepas lonjakan pasang surut

MADAyuMadyan | JohnnyAdam – Rakaman helikopter menunjukkan kerosakan yang disebabkan kepada rumah di Hemsby, Norfolk, berikutan lonjakan air terbesar di pantai selama 60 tahun, dan gelombang pemukul pantai Lincolnshire (Aerial view: homes fall into sea in Hemsby, Norfolk after tidal surge. Helicopter footage shows the damage caused to homes in Hemsby, Norfolk, following the biggest water surge on the coast for 60 years, and waves battering the coast of Lincolnshire). 
