Tebusan ke arah seorang pegawai polis di luar kafe Lindt, di mana tebusan lain sedang diadakan, di Martin Place di pusat Sydney 15 Disember 2014 (A hostage runs towards a police officer outside Lindt cafe, where other hostages are being held, in Martin Place in central Sydney December 15, 2014 (Reuters/Jason Reed) READ MORE:http://on.rt.com/bksydh
i.Srikandi - Sehingga 40 tebusan dipegang oleh individu yg tidak dikenali di sebuah kafe di pusat bandar Sydney, Australia. Jihad Panji2 hitam dilaporkan kelihatan di laman web ini. Pihak berkuasa telah dibersihkan ruang udara ke pusat bandar untuk memberi laluan kepada helikopter polis.
Lelaki bersenjata memegang puluhan tebusan di kafe Sydney. Liputan langsung sebagai situasi tebusan meletus di dalam sebuah kedai coklat dan kafe di bandar terbesar di Australia.
Gunman holds dozens Of hostages in Sydney café . . .
Live coverage as a hostage situation erupted inside a chocolate shop and cafe in Australia's largest city.
Up to 40 hostages are being held by an unknown individual at a café in central Sydney, Australia. A black jihadist flag was reportedly spotted at the site. Authorities have cleared the airspace over the city center to make way for police helicopters.