HAMBURG bercanggah di atas PENUTUPAN pusat kominiti
JohnnyAdam – Keganasan meletus di Hamburg pada hari Sabtu 7,000 penunjuk pera-saan dibolong kemarahan mereka di rancangan untuk mengusir setinggan di pusat kebu-dayaan Rote Flora.
Pertempuran dengan polis berlaku di kawasan yang Schanzenviertel bandar ini. Lebih 100 pegawai telah cedera dan 19 demonstraters yang ditangkap. Florentin Müller, Jurucakap Pusat Kebudayaan Rote Flora, berkata: “Kami tidak boleh tunggu, kita perlu bertindak Kami mesti menjaga kepentingan kami Kita dibenarkan menganjurkan protes di Jerman kerana kita mempunyai kebebasan berhimpun Kami menggunakan ini . . . bantahan untuk cuba meletakkan tekanan politik sebanyak mungkin.”
Kerosakan bangunan sekitar dan kenderaan dilaporkan berikutan gangguan. Pusat Rote Flora telah menjadi satu ruang terkenal dengan aktivis sayap kiri, dengan protes tetap dianjurkan pada bulan-bulan musim panas.
Hamburg clashes over closure of cultural centre
Violence broke out in Hamburg on Saturday as 7,000 protesters vented their anger at plans to evict squatters at the Rote Flora cultural centre. The clashes with police took place in the Schanzenviertel's area of the city.
Over 100 officers were injured and 19 demonstraters arrested. Florentin Müller, Spokesperson of the Rote Flora Cultural Centre, said: "We simply can't wait, we must act. We must look after our interests. We are allowed organise protests in Germany because we have the freedom of assembly. We use these protests in order to try put as much political pressure as possible."
Damage to surrounding buildings and vehicles was reported following the disturbances. The Rote Flora centre has become a well known space for left-wing activists, with regular protests organised in the summer months.
Penunjuk perasaan memegang sepanduk semasa pertempuran di hadapan pusat budaya 'Rote Flora' semasa demonstrasi di Hamburg, 21 Disember, 2013. (Reuters/Morris Mac Matzen – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
Berpuluh-puluh POLIS yg tercedera Semasa PENGUSIRAN
bantahan bertukar GANAS di Hamburg . . .
JohnnyAdam – Penduduk Hamburg telah bertempur dengan pihak polis dalam apa yang protes yang paling ganas dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, dengan skor cedera, selepas lebih 7,000 mengambil jalan-jalan untuk membantah rancangan untuk mengusir setinggan dari sebuah bangunan teater lama, yang merupakan pusat kebudayaan kiri.
Polis dan penunjuk perasaan memberi angka yang bercanggah, meletakkan jumlah peserta mana-mana daripada 7,000 kepada 10,000 orang, dengan lebih daripada 100 anggota polis dan beberapa lagi tidak ditentukan penunjuk perasaan cedera dalam rusuhan awam Sabtu ini.
Polis berkata bahawa 4,000 penunjuk perasaan daripada kumpulan-kumpulan melampau sayap kiri. Keganasan yang terlibat batu dan botol- membaling, mercun dan bom asap. Polis bertindak balas dengan semburan lada dan meriam air.
Apa yang akhirnya membawa kepada letupan dalam keganasan disebabkan oleh penjua-lan sayap kiri Rote Flora pusat kebudayaan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan kepada pemaju. Yang mana sesetengah setinggan telah menduduki premis selama 20 tahun sekarang.
Dozens of police injured as eviction protest turns violent
in Hamburg (PHOTOS, VIDEO) . . .
Hamburg residents have clashed with police in what is the most violent protest in years, with scores injured, after more than 7,000 took to the streets to protest plans to evict squatters from an old theater building, which is a leftist cultural center.
Police and protesters give conflicting figures, putting the number of participants anywhere from 7,000 to 10,000 people, with more than 100 policemen and a yet unspecified number of protesters injured in Saturday’s civil unrest.
Police said that some 4,000 of the protesters were from extreme left-wing groups. The violence involved stone and bottle-throwing, firecrackers and smoke bombs. Police responded with pepper spray and water cannon.
What eventually led to an explosion in violence was caused by the sale of the left-wing Rote Flora cultural center by local authorities to a developer. Some squatters have been occupying the premises for 20 years now.
Gambaran menunjukkan polis Jerman sebagaimana mereka menghalang penunjuk perasaan di jalan-jalan silang berikut pertempuran di hadapan pusat budaya 'Rote Flora' semasa demonstrasi di Hamburg, 21 Disember, 2013. (Reuters/Morris Mac Matzen – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
Dikatakan bahawa peningkatan telah berlaku tidak lama selepas permulaan acara itu pada waktu petang, apabila beberapa penunjuk perasaan mula menyerang pegawai polis, walaupun suasana di awal adalah lebih aman dan juga perayaan, dengan konfeti di mana-mana, dan juga keluarga2 dilihat dengan kanak-kanak.
Padahal, beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berteriak bahawa “bandar itu adalah milik semua orang,” salah satu slogan utama mereka.
Tetapi sebagai perhimpunan di hadapan Rote Flora perlu lagi pergi, polis muncul untuk membersihkan diri orang dengan cota dan meriam air, jurucakap mereka memberitahu Deutsche Welle bahawa “terdapat suasana pencerobohan dari awal lagi,” sambil menambah bahawa “kita datang diserang serius. Ia telah menjadi lebih ganas daripada apa-apa yang kita alami dalam masa yang lama.”
“Melalui penggunaan yang sangat besar cota, semburan lada dan meriam air, terdapat banyak kecederaan,” kata penganjur.
It is said that an escalation took place soon after the beginning of the event in the afternoon, when some protesters started attacking police officers, although the atmosphere at the start was more peaceful and even festive, with confetti everywhere, as well as families seen with children.
All the while, the thousands of protesters shouted that “the city belongs to everyone,” one of their main slogans.
But as the rally in front of the Rote Flora got going, police showed up to clear away people with batons and a water cannon, their spokesman telling Deutsche Welle that “there was a mood of aggression from the outset,” adding that “we came under serious attack. It has become more violent than anything we have experienced in a long time.”
“Through the overwhelming use of batons, pepper spray and water cannon, there were numerous injuries,” said the organizers.
Polis Jerman diserang dengan bunga api semasa pertempuran di hadapan pusat budaya 'Rote Flora' semasa demonstrasi di Hamburg, 21 Disember, 2013. (Reuters/Morris Mac Matzen – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
Mereka disyaki awal masalah - pembuat telah ditangkap - terdapat lebih 20 penahanan kerana disyaki melanggar undang-damai.
Jalan-jalan selepas itu menunjukkan tanda-tanda banyak huru-hara, dengan kereta polis dihancurkan bersama-sama dengan pelbagai bangunan, termasuk pejabat parti Demokrat Sosial. Terdapat patah serpihan kaca dan tanda-tanda jalan raya telah dilipat ke atas dan juga batu-batu secara literal koyak dari kaki lima untuk digunakan sebagai senjata.
Those suspected of being the initial trouble-makers have been arrested – there were over 20 detentions on suspicion of breaching the peace.
The streets afterwards showed signs of much chaos, with police cars smashed along with various buildings, including the office of the Social Democrat party. There were broken glass fragments and road signs having been folded over as well as stones literally torn from the pavement to be used as weapons.
Rusuhan Jerman pegawai polis menggunakan cota beliau semasa pertempuran di hadapan pusat budaya 'Rote Flora' semasa demonstrasi di Hamburg, Disember 21, 2013 (Reuters/Morris Mac Matzen – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
Sejarah mencangkung pusat kebudayaan ini bermula sejak tahun 1989, apabila pusat Rote Flora kawasan Schanzenviertel telah dijajah. Sejak itu, reputasinya sebagai pusat untuk rali berhaluan kiri telah terus mengukuhkan.
Tetapi kemarahan orang ramai itu sendiri mempunyai juga kaitan dengan isu yang lebih luas migran dan hak pelarian, termasuk mereka daripada setinggan di blok apartmen kumuh di kawasan Reeperbahn Hamburg - juga lampu merah daerah di bandar ini, yang mengandungi apa yang dikenali sebagai Rumah Esso. Bangunan-bangunan, juga sering rumah kepada Lampedusa pelarian Jerman, telah dipindahkan hujung minggu lalu kerana keadaan miskin mereka.
Selepas huru-hara awal di Rote Flora telah reda , orang ramai berhijrah ke arah yang Reeperbahn , di mana mereka dikejar sekitar jalan-jalan oleh pihak polis.
The cultural center’s squatting history dates back to 1989, when the Schanzenviertel area’s Rote Flora center was first occupied. Since then, its reputation as the central point for leftist rallying has been further cemented.
But the public anger itself had also to do with the wider issue of migrant and refugee rights, including those of the squatters at a run-down apartment block in Hamburg’s Reeperbahn area – also the city’s red-light district, which contains the so-called Esso Houses. The buildings, also often home to Germany’s Lampedusa refugees, were evacuated last weekend because of their poor condition.
After the initial chaos at the Rote Flora had subsided, the crowds migrated toward the Reeperbahn, where they were chased around the streets by the police.
PERTEMPURAN di Hamburg di atas penutupan pusat Komuniti
JohnnyAdam – Beberapa ribu penunjuk perasaan bertempur dengan polis di Hamburg pada hari Sabtu di atas penutupan pusat komuniti sayap kiri dipanggil “Rote Flora.”
Clashes in Hamburg over Closing Of Community Ccenter
Several thousand protesters clashed with police in Hamburg on Saturday over the closing of a left-wing community center called “Rote Flora.”