Saturday 27 July 2013

Nahas kereta api Sepanyol ditangkap pada CCTV

TOP NEWS Photos: Bomba membawa mangsa cedera dari bangkai kemalangan kereta api berhampiran Santiago de Compostela, barat laut Sepanyol, 24 Julai, 2013. Kereta api tergelincir di luar barat laut bandar purba Sepanyol Santiago de Compostela pada petang Rabu, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 77 orang dan mencederakan sehingga 131 dalam salah satu bencana kereta api terburuk di Eropah. Gambar diambil 24 Julai, 2013 (A fireman carries a wounded victim from the wreckage of a train crash near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, July 24, 2013. A train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. Picture taken July 24, 2013. REUTERS/Xoan A. Soler/Monica Ferreiros/La Voz de Galicia (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Nahas kereta api Sepanyol ditangkap pada CCTV

Pemandu kereta api Sepanyol yang tergelincir, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 80 orang, adalah di bawah kawalan polis di hospital selepas kemalangan dramatik yang merupakan sumber rasmi berkata disebabkan oleh kelajuan yang berlebihan. Kereta api lapan pengangkutan datang dari trek, memukul dinding dan terbakar di luar destinasi ibadah ziarah Santiago de Compostela di barat laut Sepanyol pada malam Rabu. Ia adalah salah satu kereta api terburuk bencana Eropah.

Rakaman video dari kamera keselamatan menunjukkan keretapi, dengan 247 orang di atas kapal, meluru ke dinding konkrit di tepi trek sebagai gerabak jack-knifed dan enjin terbalik. Seorang pegawai tempatan menyifatkan selepas kemalangan itu sebagai seperti adegan dari neraka, dengan badan-badan bertaburan di sebelah trek.

Kesan ini adalah salah satu pengangkutan begitu besar terbang beberapa meter ke udara dan mendarat di sisi lain halangan konkrit yang tinggi. Sekitar 94 orang cedera, 35 daripada mereka, termasuk empat kanak-kanak, dalam keadaan yang serius, timbalan ketua Kerajaan serantau berkata.

Spain train crash caught on CCTV

The driver of a Spanish train that derailed, killing at least 80 people, was under police guard in hospital after the dramatic accident which an official source said was caused by excessive speed. The eight-carriage train came off the tracks, hit a wall and caught fire just outside the pilgrimage destination Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain on Wednesday night. It was one of Europe's worst rail disasters. 

Video footage from a security camera showed the train, with 247 people on board, hurtling into a concrete wall at the side of the track as carriages jack-knifed and the engine overturned. One local official described the aftermath of the crash as like a scene from hell, with bodies strewn next to the tracks. 

The impact was so huge one carriage flew several metres into the air and landed on the other side of a high concrete barrier. Around 94 people were injured, 35 of them, including four children, in a serious condition, the deputy head of the regional government said.

TOP NEWS Photos: Relatives of one of the victims of a train crash comfort each other in Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, July 25, 2013. Police took the driver of a Spanish train into custody in hospital on Thursday after at least 80 people died when it derailed and caught fire in a dramatic accident which an official source said was caused by excessive speed. REUTERS/Eloy Alonso (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

TOP NEWS Photos: An official inspects the train engine amongst the wreckage of a train crash near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, early July 25, 2013. A train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. REUTERS/Eloy Alonso (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

TOP NEWS Photos: An official inspects the train engine amongst the wreckage of a train crash near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, early July 25, 2013. A train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. REUTERS/Eloy Alons (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

TOP NEWS Photos: Workers walk past the train engine amongst the wreckage of a train crash near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, early July 25, 2013. A train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. REUTERS/Eloy Alonso (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

TOP NEWS Photos: An overhead view of the wreckage of a train crash is seen near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, in this still image from video, July 25, 2013. A train derailed outside the ancient northwestern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday evening, killing at least 77 people and injuring up to 131 in one of Europe's worst rail disasters. REUTERS/ (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

TOP NEWS Photos: Victims receive help after a train crashed near Santiago de Compostela, northwestern Spain, July 24, 2013 (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Investigators have Spain trains 'black boxes' . . .

Photo: AP Saudara-mara mangsa yang terlibat dalam kemalangan kereta api Rabu bertindak pada satu titik maklumat mangsa dalam Santiago de Compostela, Sepanyol, pada Khamis Julai 25, 2013. Saudara-mara mangsa daripada kemalangan kereta api di barat laut Sepanyol menangis teresak-esak dan memeluk setiap satu sama lain Khamis lain berhampiran rumah mayat sementara di arena sukan untuk mangsa-mangsa sebagai jumlah kematian meningkat kepada 78 dan penyiasat cuba untuk menentukan punca. Kereta api melonjak trek dan sekurang-kurangnya seorang penumpang memberitahu sebuah stesen radio bahawa ia kelihatan akan sangat cepat kerana ia pergi ke keluk ketara manakala menghampiri stesen di bandar ini kuil Katolik pada malam perayaan utama agama(AP Relatives of the victims involved in Wednesday's train accident react at a victims information point in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on Thursday, July 25, 2013. Relatives of victims from a train crash in northwestern Spain sobbed and hugged each other Thursday near a makeshift morgue in a sports arena for the victims as the death toll rose to 78 and investigators tried to determine the cause. The train jumped the tracks and at least one passenger told a radio station that it appeared to be going very fast as it went into a pronounced curve while approaching the station in this Catholic shrine city on the eve of a major religious festival (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Santiago de Compostela, Sepanyol (AP) Penyiasat telah mengambil milikan "kotak hitam" kereta api Sepanyol kelajuan tinggi di sepanjang keluk dan tergelincir, membunuh 80 orang, seorang pegawai mahkamah berkata Jumaat.

Analisis akan dilakukan untuk menentukan mengapa kereta api itu perjalanan jauh melebihi had laju apabila ia terhempas berhampiran stesen di Santiago de Compostela, di barat laut Galicia, berkata mahkamah jurucakap Maria Pardo Rios. Beliau enggan mengulas mengenai berapa lama analisis akan diambil.

Tempat merekodkan semua data perjalanan dari kereta api, termasuk kelajuan dan jarak dan adalah sama dengan perakam penerbangan untuk kapal terbang. Pengendali kereta api terus ke hospital Jumaat dan akan disoal siasat oleh polis tetapi dia berkata temuduga tidak akan berlaku hari ini.

Pada hari Jumaat semua tetapi 7 mangsa dalam kemalangan itu telah dikenal pasti di rumah mayat sementara di Santiago de Compostela. Analisis DNA akan digunakan untuk mengenal pasti mangsa-mangsa yang tinggal, Pardo Rios katanya. Dengan semua akaun, kereta api itu akan terlalu cepat kerana ia bergulung di sekeliling selekoh. Kemudian dalam sekelip mata, sebuah kereta jatuh di luar trek, diikuti oleh seluruh lokomotif, yang seolah-olah datang selain seperti zip ditarik.

Clendenning dilaporkan dari Madrid

Photo: AP Itulah kereta api Sepanyol telah berjalan jauh melebihi had laju apabila ia tergelincir, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 80 orang. Pegawai-pegawai berkata had laju di seksyen itu trek ialah 80 kilometer sejam (50 mph) (That a Spanish train was traveling well above the speed limit when it derailed, killing at least 80 people. Officials say the speed limit on that section of track is 80 kph (50 mph) (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Grafik menunjukkan terperinci dan menempatkan kereta api kemalangan kegelinciran di Sepanyol, 3c x 4 1/2 inci; 146 mm x 114 mm (Detailed graphic shows and locates train derailment accident in Spain; 3c x 4 1/2 inches; 146 mm x 114 mm (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Kereta api menggelincirkan dalam Santiago de Compostela, Sepanyol, pada Rabu Julai 24, 2013. Penyiasat Sepanyol cuba untuk menentukan Khamis mengapa kereta api penumpang melompat trek dan menghantar l8 gerabak terhempas antara satu sama lain sebelum tiba di bandar kuil barat laut ini pada malam perayaan utama agama Kristian, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 77 orang dan mencederakan lebih daripada 140 (A train derailing in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. Spanish investigators tried to determine Thursday why a passenger train jumped the tracks and sent eight cars crashing into each other just before arriving in this northwestern shrine city on the eve of a major Christian religious festival, killing at least 77 people and injuring more than 140 (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Saudara-mara mangsa yang terlibat dalam kemalangan kereta api Rabu bertindak pada satu titik maklumat mangsa dalam Santiago de Compostela, Sepanyol, pada Khamis Julai 25, 2013. Saudara-mara mangsa daripada kemalangan kereta api di barat laut Sepanyol menangis teresak-esak dan memeluk setiap satu sama lain Khamis berhampiran rumah mayat sementara di arena sukan untuk mangsa-mangsa sebagai jumlah kematian meningkat kepada 78 dan penyiasat cuba untuk menentukan punca. Kereta api melonjak trek dan sekurang-kurangnya seorang penumpang memberitahu sebuah stesen radio bahawa ia kelihatan akan sangat cepat kerana ia pergi ke keluk ketara manakala menghampiri stesen di bandar kuil Katolik pada ini malam perayaan utama agama(Relatives of the victims involved in Wednesday's train accident react at a victims information point in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on Thursday, July 25, 2013. Relatives of victims from a train crash in northwestern Spain sobbed and hugged each other Thursday near a makeshift morgue in a sports arena for the victims as the death toll rose to 78 and investigators tried to determine the cause. The train jumped the tracks and at least one passenger told a radio station that it appeared to be going very fast as it went into a pronounced curve while approaching the station in this Catholic shrine city on the eve of a major religious festival (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Kereta tergelincir dikeluarkan sebagai kakitangan kecemasan, kerja-kerja di tapak kemalangan kereta api di Santiago de Compostela, Sepanyol pada hari Khamis 25 Julai 2013. Angka kematian dalam kemalangan kereta api penumpang di barat laut Sepanyol meningkat kepada lebih daripada 70 pada hari Khamis selepas kereta api melonjak trek di sepanjang curvy sebelum tiba di bandar ziarah barat laut Santiago de Compostela, seorang pegawai kehakiman berkata (Derailed cars are removed as emergency personnel work at the site of a train accident in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on Thursday July 25, 2013. The death toll in a passenger train crash in northwestern Spain rose to more than 70 on Thursday after the train jumped the tracks on a curvy stretch just before arriving in the northwestern shrine city of Santiago de Compostela, a judicial official said (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Investigators have Spain trains 'black boxes'

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain (AP) Investigators have taken possession of the "black boxes" of the Spain train that hurtled at high-speed along a curve and derailed, killing 80 people, a court official said Friday.

Analysis will be performed to determine why the train was traveling far above the speed limit when it crashed near a station in Santiago de Compostela, in the northwestern Galicia, said court spokeswoman Maria Pardo Rios. She declined comment on how long the analysis will take.

The boxes record all trip data from trains, including speed and distances and are similar to flight recorders for airplanes. The train's operator remained hospitalized Friday and will be questioned by police but she said the interview will not happen Friday.

By Friday, all but seven victims in the crash had been identified in a makeshift morgue in Santiago de Compostela. DNA analysis will be used to identify the remaining victims, Pardo Rios said. By all accounts, the train was going way too fast as it curled around a gentle bend. Then in an instant, one car tumbled off the track, followed by the rest of the locomotive, which seemed to come apart like a zipper being pulled.

Clendenning reported from Madrid
