Friday 3 January 2014

Sekurang-kurangnya 5 yang terbunuh sebagaimana LETUPAN BESAR-besaran mengoncang selatan BEIRUT . . .

Api dan asap dilihat di tapak letupan di Beirut selatan pinggir bandar 2 Januari 2014 . (Fire and smoke is seen at the site of an explosion in Beirut's southern suburbs January 2, 2014. (Reuters/Jamal Sahili – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Sekurang-kurangnya 5 orang terbunuh dan berpuluh-puluh cedera dalam satu letupan yang kuat, yang menggegarkan pinggir bandar yang di selatan Beirut yang menempatkan kubu kuat kumpulan Syiah Hizbullah. Menurut Menteri Kesihatan Lubnan Ali Hassan Khalil, 5 orang terbunuh dan 66 cedera dalam letupan semalam.

Letupan besar telah disebabkan oleh bom kereta, sumber keselamatan kepada Reuters. Futej dari tempat letupan itu menunjukkan mayat dipintal dan dibakar beberapa kereta, dengan anggota bomba dousing mereka dengan hos. Beberapa blok yang berhampiran rumah pangsa juga mempunyai bahagian-bahagian facades tercabut oleh letupan itu.

Letupan yang disasarkan daerah komersial sibuk Beirut, menyebabkan ramai orang untuk melarikan diri kawasan dalam keadaan panik kerana takut letupan selanjutnya. Daerah ini juga dikenali untuk menempatkan pejabat-pejabat Hizbullah dan studio televisyen, Al - Manar, yang hanya 200 meter dari letupan itu.

At least 5 killed as massive explosion shakes 
southern Beirut . . .

At least five people were killed and dozens injured in a powerful explosion, which shook a suburb in south Beirut housing a stronghold of the Shiite group Hezbollah. According to Lebanese Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, five people were killed and 66 were wounded in Thursday’s blast.

The large explosion was caused by a car bomb, a security source told Reuters. Footage from the scene of the explosion showed twisted and burnt remains of several cars, with firemen dousing them with hoses. Some of the nearby blocks of flats also had parts of the facades torn off by the blast.

The blast targeted Beirut’s busy commercial district, causing many people to flee the area in panic for fear of further explosions. The district is also known for housing the offices of Hezbollah and its television studios, Al-Manar, which are just 200 meters away from the blast.

Reuters/Hasan Shaaban (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Satu kenyataan yang diedarkan oleh Hezbollah berkata tiada ahli politik Syiah atau Ahli Parlimen cedera dalam letupan itu. Televisyen Al-Manar Hizbullah disiarkan rakaman selepas letupan itu, yang disifatkan sebagaimana “letupan pengganas” tetapi mengatakan bahawa biro politik kumpulan itu tidak dianggap sasaran.

Letupan, yang disebabkan oleh bom kereta, pergi di jalan yang sesak, kata Adnan Ghalmoush, seorang wartawan Al Arabiya di Beirut. Pasukan keselamatan melepaskan tembakan ke udara untuk menjaga orang-orang dari tempat kejadian letupan itu, katanya. Bom itu diletakkan di dalam kenderaan memandu pacuan 4 roda, menurut Al-Manar stesen TV satelit.

A statement distributed by Hezbollah said no Shiite politicians or MPs were injured in the blast. Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television aired footage of the aftermath of the blast, calling it a “terrorist explosion” but saying that the group’s political bureau was not thought to have been the target.

The explosion, caused by a car bomb, went off in a crowded street, said Adnan Ghalmoush, an Al Arabiya correspondent in Beirut. Security forces opened fire into the air to keep people away from the scene of the blast, he said. The bomb was placed in a four-wheel-drive vehicle, according to Al-Manar satellite TV station.

Reuters/Hasan Shaaban (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Pasukan keselamatan di Beirut baru-baru ini dimatikan beberapa bom kereta di kawasan itu tetapi tidak membuat ini kepada orang ramai supaya tidak menyebarkan ketakutan di kalangan penduduk, kata Ghalmoush.

Lubnan agensi berita Nasional melaporkan bahawa Pihak Berkuasa Kebangsaan Pengu-rusan Bencana telah memanggil mesyuarat tergempar di Beirut Grand Serail, Pejabat Perdana Menteri, akibat pengeboman.

Security forces in Beirut have recently defused several car bombs in the area but did not make this known to the public so as not to spread fear among residents, Ghalmoush said.

The Lebanon National news agency is reporting that the National Authority for Disaster Management has called an emergency meeting in Beirut’s Grand Serail, the prime minister’s office, as a result of the bombing.

Omar Kurdi @OmarKurdi20 Photo from bomb site now #Dahiyeh #Lebanon #Reuters@ASE: Photo of bomb blast in #HaretHreik #Beirut” (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Ibu kota Lubnan telah dilanda satu siri bom di bulan kebelakangan ini. Letupan Khamis datang hanya beberapa hari selepas letupan yang mengorbankan Mohammed Shattah, seorang menteri kerajaan dan seorang pengkritik Hezbollah, bersama-sama dengan 6 orang lain.

Sumber memberitahu berita laman web berasaskan Lebanon SEKARANG, kediaman Timbalan Ketua Hizbullah Naim Qassem adalah berhampiran tapak letupan.

The Lebanese capital has been hit by a series of bombs in recent months. Thursday’s blast comes just days after an explosion that killed Mohammed Shattah, a government minister and a vocal critic of Hezbollah, along with six others.

Sources have told the NOW Lebanon-based news website that, Hezbollah’s deputy chief Naim Qassem’s residence was near the site of the explosion.

Ahli bomba A memadamkan kebakaran pada kereta di tapak letupan di selatan pinggir bandar Beirut 2 Januari 2014 (A firefighter extinguishes a fire on a car at the site of an explosion in Beirut's southern suburbs January 2, 2014. (Reuters/Hasan Shaaban  – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
