Sistem peluru berpandu pelancar mudah alih 'Yars' (Mobile launcher 'Yars'
missile system (RIA Novosti/Sergey Pyatakov - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
JohnnyAdam – Pengubahsuaian
terbaru Yars antara benua kompleks peluru berpandu balistik telah berjaya dilancarkan
dari tapak tentera di utara Rusia. Sistem ini mungkin menjadi tulang belakang
kepada penjelmaan semula yang diumumkan daripada program “kereta api nuclear”.
pelancaran RS -24 Yars berlaku pada jam 07:00 GMT di tapak tentera Plesetsk di
rantau Archangelsk Rusia. Kepala peledak peluru berpandu mencecah sasaran
sejauh Kura Ujian Pertengahan Rusia Kamchatka Peninsula di rantau Pasifik,
jurucakap Angkatan Peluru Berpandu Strategik Igor Yegorov dilaporkan.
peringkat Yars peluru berpandu adalah mudah alih antara benua peluru berpandu
balistik terbaru Rusia (ICBM) kompleks. Sistem itu mula-mula diuji pada tahun
2007. Walaupun sebahagian besar daripada ciri-ciri dikelaskan, maklumat terbuka
menun-jukkan bahawa ia boleh memberikan sekurang-kurangnya 4 kepala peledak
seberat 300 termonuklear kiloton setiap satu kepada sasaran yang terletak
11,000 kilometer jauhnya.
ini adalah berasaskan pepejal bahan api, dan fasa rangsangan adalah lebih
pendek berbanding dengan peluru berpandu generasi sebelumnya. RS -24 Yars telah
“penyesuaian” kapasiti menindik perisai peluru berpandu dan peluru adalah mudah
diken-dalikan - menjadikannya sangat tidak mungkin untuk dipintas.
berasaskan Kempen- RS -24 Yars telah diuji buat kali pertama pada hari Selasa.
Pada 2014, berdasarkan Kempen - RS - 24s dijangka menggantikan peluru berpandu
Topol generasi sebelumnya dalam Kozelsk, Rusia.
2 unit
peluru berpandu tambahan, Teikovo dan Tatishchevo, telah pun bersenjatakan
versi mudah alih kompleks Yars ini.
Yars atas landasan keretapi
Peluru Berpandu Strategik Rusia mengumumkan minggu lepas bahawa ia sedang
bersedia untuk memulihkan peluru berpandu berdasarkan kereta api. Tentera itu
berkata ia menjangka pelan tindakan moden “kereta api nuclear” yang akan
dibentangkan seawal separuh pertama 2014. RIA Novosti melaporkan bahawa sistem
akan merupakan satu lagi pengubahsuaian RS - 24 Yars.
digunakan untuk memiliki ICBM Molodets berasaskan kereta api - sistem peluru
berpandu (NATO jawatan: pisau bedah SS - 24), menyamar sebagai kereta api
barang biasa dan diwarisi dari Kesatuan Soviet. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat
12 kereta api dengan 36 peluru berpandu.
sistem kereta api yang sangat luas Rusia, pengesanan dan pencegahan kemusnahan
sistem yang amat sukar.
rangka Senjata Perjanjian Pengurangan Strategik (START- II) dengan Amerika
Syarikat - yang ditandatangani oleh bekas Presiden Rusia Boris Yeltsin dan
bekas Presiden Amerika Syarikat George HW Bush pada tahun 1993 - sistem pisau
bedah SS - 24 telah dikeluarkan penugasan, dan semua platform melancarkan musnah
menjelang tahun 2007.
Baru’ perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden kemudian - Rusia Dmitry
Medvedev dan Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Barack Obama pada tahun 2011 tidak
meng-hadkan penggunaan sistem berasaskan keretapi. Pada tahun 2012, Rusia semula
pemban-gunan versi baru sistem peluru berpandu strategik berdasarkan keretapi.
melihat peluru berpandu masa depan sebagai didorong pepejal, dengan pelbagai
kepala peledak - dengan RT - 24 Yars sebagai prototaip. Kita bercakap
mengubahsuai peluru berpandu yang berat 47 tan.
Untuk membandingkan, peluru
berpandu dalam kereta api nuklear lama ditimbang 110 tan,” komander Peluru
Berpandu Tentera Strategik, Leftenan Jeneral Sergey Karakayev, berkata, seperti
yang dipetik oleh RIA Novosti.
Russia successfully tests latest ‘YARS’
intercontinental ballistic missile
latest modification of the Yars intercontinental ballistic missile complex has
been successfully launched from a military site in Russia’s north. The system
might become the backbone of the announced reincarnation of the “nuclear train”
Tuesday launch of RS-24 Yars took place at 07:00 GMT at Plesetsk military site
in Russia’s Archangelsk region. The missile’s warheads hit targets as far as
Kura Test Range in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula in the Pacific region,
Strategic Missile Forces spokesman Igor Yegorov reported.
three-stage Yars missile is Russia’s newest mobile intercontinental ballistic
missile (ICBM) complex. The system was first tested in 2007. Though most of its
characteristics are classified, open information suggests that it can deliver
at least four thermonuclear warheads weighing 300 kilotons each to a target
located 11,000 kilometers away.
complex is solid-fuel based, and its boost phase is much shorter compared to
previous generation missiles. RS-24 Yars has “adaptive” missile shield piercing
capacity and its warheads are maneuverable – making it highly unlikely to be
silo-based version of the RS-24 Yars was tested for the first time ever on
Tuesday. In 2014, silo-based RS-24s are expected to replace previous generation
Topol missiles in Kozelsk, Russia.
additional missile units, Teikovo and Tatishchevo, have already been armed with
mobile versions of the Yars complex.
Yars on rails
Strategic Missile Forces announced last week that it is preparing to revive
railroad-based missiles. The military said it expects a blueprint of the modernized
“nuclear train” to be presented as early as the first half of 2014. RIA Novosti
reported that the system will be yet another modification of RS-24 Yars.
used to possess the ICBM Molodets railroad-based missile system (NATO
designation: SS-24 Scalpel), disguised as an ordinary freight train and
inherited from the Soviet Union. Altogether, there were 12 trains with 36
Russia’s extremely vast railroad system, detection and preemptive destruction
of that system was extremely difficult.
the framework of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-II) with the US -
signed by former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and former US President George
H. W. Bush in 1993 - the SS-24 Scalpel system was decommissioned, and all
launching platforms were destroyed by 2007.
The ‘New
START’ treaty signed by then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and US President
Barack Obama in 2011 does not limit the use of railway-based systems. In 2012,
Russia reconsidered the development of a new version of a railway-based
strategic missile system.
“We see
the future missile as solid-fueled, with multiple warheads – with RT-24 Yars as
a prototype. We are talking of modifying missiles that are to weigh 47 tons. To
compare, a missile in the old nuclear train weighed 110 tons,” the commander of
the Strategic Missile Force, Lt. Gen. Sergey Karakayev, said, as quoted by RIA