Saturday, 28 December 2013

Krew RT terperangkap dlm Gas pemedih mata di Istanbul sebagaimana Polis melumpuhkan bantahan anti- Kerajaan . . .

JohnnyAdam – Krew RT telah terperangkap dalam gas pemedih mata dan melapor kepada jisim perhimpunan anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square, Istanbul. Polis telah mula menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan, laporan RT Sarah Firth .

Pertempuran telah berlaku selama lebih 1 jam, dengan polis menggunakan meriam air untuk menyuraikan orang ramai yang berkumpul untuk menyuarakan kemarahan mereka terhadap tindakan kerajaan, laporan Firth dari laman ini. Ini datang di tengah-tengah berterusan berprofil tinggi skandal rasuah

RT Crew Caught up in tear gas in Istanbul as police 
Crack down On anti-govt protest . . .

An RT crew has been caught up in tear gas while reporting on a mass anti-government rally in Istanbul’s Taksim Square. Police have started dispersing the protesters, reports RT's Sarah Firth.

Clashes have been taking place for over an hour, with police using water cannons to disperse the crowd which gathered to voice their anger against the government’s actions, Firth reports from the site. This comes amid an ongoing high-profile corruption scandal.

Sara Firth @SaraFirth_RT (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

“Ia amat simbolik kemarahan kita telah melihat bahawa telah membina sejak beberapa hari terakhir,” kata beliau. “Cebisan batu dan marmar di mana-mana anda bleh meli-hatnya,” dengan penunjuk perasaan membaling ianya pada pegawai-pegawai penguat-kuasa undang-undang.

Menurut posting di Twitter, polis diikuti penunjuk perasaan ke jalan-raya dan menembak peluru getah, mendorong mereka untuk bertindak balas dengan gelas kosong. Seorang wartawan untuk akhbar Radikal liberal Turki “telah ditembak oleh peluru getah,” tetapi walaupun disakiti “berani terus melaporkan” dari Taksim Square.

“It's very symbolic of the anger we've seen that has been building over the last couple of days,” she says. “Bits of rock and marble are everywhere you look,” with protesters throwing them at law enforcement officers.

According to posts on Twitter, police followed protesters into side streets and fired rubber bullets, prompting them to respond with empty glasses. A reporter for Turkey's liberal Radikal newspaper “was shot by a rubber bullet,” but despite being hurt “bravely keeps on reporting” from Taksim Square.

3 RETWEETS  1 FAVORITE (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Banyak ambulans dan trak bomba telah dilihat memasuki jalan pejalan kaki yang berikut tindakan keras itu, menurut Hurriyet Daily News. Beberapa penunjuk perasaan melem-parkan bunga api pada polis rusuhan.

Hurriyet mengatakan bahawa penunjuk perasaan berkumpul pada ikon Taksim Square di Istanbul “apabila panggilan yang disebarkan melalui media sosial.”

Mereka melaungkan “Di mana-mana rasuah, di mana-mana rasuah,”yang mengingatkan moto bantahan Gezi Park awal tahun ini. Slogan mereka protes adalah “Di mana-mana Taksim, di mana-mana rintangan.”

“Nombor bijak bagi penunjuk perasaan, kita begitu jauh melihat orang ramai yang lebih kecil daripada apa yang dilihat pada musim panas,” laporan Firth RT ini.

Krisis ini meletus sejak rasuah siasatan utama pada 17 Disember, yang membawa kepada perletakan jawatan 3 menteri dan penahanan anak-anak mereka - yang didakwa terlibat dalam skim rasuah. Ia diikuti oleh rombakan kerajaan utama. Pada hari Rabu, Tayyip Erdogan digantikan 10 daripada 26 menteri kabinet beliau.

Hasil daripada skandal itu, lira Turki mencapai nilai terendah dalam lebih daripada 3 bulan, mencapai level rendah berbanding euro dan dolar. Sementara itu, pasaran saham Istanbul jatuh sebanyak 2.3 % peratus.

Many ambulances and fire trucks were seen entering the pedestrian road following the crackdown, according to Hurriyet Daily News. Some of the protesters hurled fireworks at riot police.

Hurriyet says that protesters gathered on Istanbul’s iconic Taksim Square “upon a call that spread via social media.”

They chanted “Everywhere bribery, everywhere corruption,” which is reminiscent of the motto of the Gezi Park protests earlier this year. The slogan of those protests was “Everywhere Taksim, everywhere resistance.”

“Numbers wise for protestors, we are so far seeing a much smaller crowd than what was seen in the summer,” reports RT’s Firth.

The crisis erupted over the major graft probe on December 17, which led to the resignation of three ministers and the detention of their sons – who were allegedly involved in corruption schemes. It was followed by a major government reshuffle. On Wednesday, Tayyip Erdogan replaced ten out of 26 ministers in his cabinet.

As a result of the scandal, the Turkish lira reached its lowest value in more than three months, achieving record lows against the euro and the dollar. Meanwhile, the Istanbul stock market fell by 2.3 percent.

Protestor melindungi dirinya sebagai bunga api meletup di Istiklal Avenue pada 27 Disember, 2013, semasa pertempuran antara polis penunjuk perasaan dan Turki. (AFP Photo/Bulent Kilic - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Penunjuk perasaan melarikan diri dari meriam air di Istiklal Avenue pada 27 Disember, 2013, semasa pertempuran antara polis penunjuk perasaan dan Turki. (AFP Photo/Bulent Kilic - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Polis turkish tembak peluru getah terhadap penunjuk perasaan di Istiklal Avenue pada 27 Disember, 2013, semasa pertempuran antara polis penunjuk perasaan dan Turki. (AFP Photo/Bulent Kilic - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)
