Tuesday 24 December 2013

BARAT mulai MENYEDARI yang Mereka MEMBANTU pengganas2 di SYRIA - Lavrov untuk RT

Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov (Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov percaya ahli-ahli politik Barat telah mula menyedari bahawa menumbangkan kerajaan Assad, mungkin membawa kepada semakin teruk krisis Syria.

Peralihan dalam sikap itu disebabkan oleh kebangkitan golongan Jihad di Syria dan ancaman di negara ini bertukar menjadi khalifah, katanya dalam temu bual dengan RT.

“Sikap berubah di negara-negara Barat, mereka menjadi lebih realistik dalam pendekatan mereka untuk membuat bayaran krisis Syria,” kata Lavrov. “Ancaman keganasan di Syria, ancaman golongan Jihad datang ke kuasa, ancaman mewujudkan khalifah dengan pera-turan pelampau, ancaman yang melanggar hak-hak minoriti, malah menafikan mereka hidup, adalah masalah utama.” Beliau juga berkata “memahami bahawa perubahan rejim bukan cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini” tetapi satu cara untuk “memudahkan ketibaan Golongan ini untuk lebih kuasa.”

Apa yang membimbangkan Sergey Lavrov ialah beliau “rakan-rakan Barat cuba” bermain-main “dengan barisan depan Islam yang dipanggil,” yang telah berjuang untuk pengaruh dengan Free Syrian Army. Lavrov percaya depan Islam boleh menjadi ideologi hampir kepada apa-apa kumpulan jihad Al-Qaeda sebagai Al-Nusra.

Lavrov mempunyai keraguan bahawa gabungan Kebangsaan Syria adalah mengawal semua kumpulan pemberontak, kini menentang Assad, dan boleh mewakili mereka semua ceramah di Geneva-2.

Isu krisis kemanusiaan di Syria telah dieksploitasi, seperti isu senjata kimia di hadapannya, untuk meletakkan semua menyalahkan kerajaan Assad, Lavrov percaya. Menteri Luar telah memberi amaran terhadap mengambil bahagian dalam konflik Syria sekarang kerana ia boleh meletakkan rundingan damai hampir terancam.

Lavrov berkata komen dari beberapa pemimpin Barat yang Assad tidak mewakili sesiapa di negaranya adalah pramatang. “Sebahagian besar daripada penduduk adalah untuk Assad atas pelbagai sebab, bukan hanya kerana dia menikmati cinta rakyat, tetapi kerana kumpulan besar orang bergantung kepadanya, dan bukan sahaja golongan minoriti, walaupun Sunni,” kata Lavrov, sambil menambah bahawa ramai yang takut yang keku-rangan perniagaan mereka sekiranya terdapat perubahan kuasa yang ganas.

West starting to realize they are aiding terrorists 
in Syria - Lavrov to RT

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes Western politicians have started to realize that overthrowing Assad’s government might lead to a worsening of the Syrian crisis.

This shift in the attitude is due to the rise of jihadists in Syria and the threat of the country turning into a caliphate, he said in an interview with RT.

“The attitudes are changing in Western countries, they are becoming more realistic in their approach towards settling the Syrian crisis,” said Lavrov. “The threat of terrorism in Syria, the threat of jihadists coming to power, the threat of creating a caliphate with extremist rules, the threat of violating the rights of minorities, or even depriving them of life, are the main problems.” He also said “understanding that changing the regime is not the way to solve this problem” but a way to “facilitate the arrival of jihadists to power."

What worries Sergey Lavrov is that his “Western colleagues are trying to “flirt” with the so-called Islamic front”, which has been struggling for influence with the Free Syrian Army. Lavrov believes the Islamic front could be ideologically close to such Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist groups as Al-Nusra.

Lavrov has doubts that the Syrian National coalition is in control of all of the rebel groups, currently fighting against Assad, and could represent them all at the Geneva-2 talks.

The issue of the humanitarian crisis in Syria has been exploited, just as the issue of the chemical weapons before it, to lay all of the blame on Assad’s government, Lavrov believes. The Foreign Minister has warned against taking sides in the Syrian conflict now as it can put the nearing peace negotiations under threat.

Lavrov also said comments from some Western leaders that Assad doesn’t represent anybody in his country were premature. “ A large part of the population is for Assad for various reasons, not just because he enjoys the love of the people, but because big groups of people depend on him, and not only minorities, even the Sunni,” said Lavrov, adding that many are afraid of being deprived of their business should there be a violent change of power.

Bahagian pertama . . .

JohnnyAdam – Syria Terperangkap dalam kebakaran salib: Akaun Pertama. Bahagian 1: Bagi tempoh 6 bulan lepas, ABC News mempunyai Syria di dalam zon konflik filem itu sendiri. (Syrians Caught in the Crossfire: First-Hand Accounts. Part 1: For the last six months, ABC News had Syrians inside the conflict zone film themselves).

Bahagian 2 . . . 

JohnnyAdam – Perang di Syria: Seram dari kedua-dua pihak. Bahagian 2: Orang memba-hayakan nyawa mereka untuk memberitahu DUNIA apa yang berlaku dalam peperangan di Syria. (Wartime in Syria: the Horror from Both Sides. Part 2: People risk their lives to tell the world what is happening in war-torn Syria).

Bahagian 3 . . .

JohnnyAdam – Perang Saudara Syria: Oleh Nombor. Bahagian 3: PBB menganggarkan lebih 100,000 orang terbunuh dalam konflik tersebut. (Syrian Civil War: By The Numbers. Part 3: The UN estimates that over 100,000 people have been killed in the conflict).
