Tuesday, 24 December 2013

14 mati, 130 Cedera letupan MEMUSNAHKAN pejabat POLIS di MESIR

Image from twitter by user @AhmedElshabrawy (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

JohnnyAdam – Letupan di ibu pejabat polis di Mansoura, Mesir, awal pagi Selasa membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 14 orang dan mencederakan 130, menurut kementerian kesihatan Mesir. Menurut kementerian kesihatan negeri , beberapa letupan pada direktorat keselamatan di Mansoura, ibu wilayah Daqahliya di utara Mesir, berlaku awal hari ini, Al-Ahram melaporkan .

Kebanyakan yang mati adalah antara ejen polis di dalam sebahagiannya runtuh bangunan 5 tingkat, AP melaporkan. Perdana Menteri Mesir interim Hazem Al Beblawi melabelkan serangan yang “Insiden pengganas,” berkata mereka yang bertanggung-jawab “tidak akan melarikan diri dari keadilan,” menurut AP. Ketua direktorat keselamatan merupakan antara yang cedera, Daqahliya gabenor Omar El-Shawadfy memberitahu Mesir negeri televisyen.

14 dead, 130 Injured As Explosion destroys 
police Office in Egypt . . .

Explosions at a police headquarters in Mansoura, Egypt, early Tuesday morning killed at least 14 people and injured 130, according to Egypt's health ministry. According to the state health ministry, multiple explosions at a security directorate in Mansoura, capital of the Daqahliya province in northern Egypt, occurred early Tuesday, Al-Ahram reported.

Most of the dead were among police agents inside the partially collapsed five-floor building, AP reported. Egypt's interim Prime Minister Hazem Al Beblawi labeled the attack a “terrorist incident,” saying those responsible "will not escape justice,” according to AP. The head of the security directorate was among those injured, Daqahliya governor Omar El-Shawadfy told Egypt state television.

Image from twitter by user @AhmedElshabrawy (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Hisham Masoud, Pengurus Besar hospital Mansoura, memberitahu Ahram tol mangsa dijangka meningkat berdasarkan laporan saksi keadaan mereka yang teruk rosak direktorat keselamatan Daqahliya.

Tapak Bahasa Arab Al-Ahram memetik sumber keselamatan tanpa nama yang berkata 2 bom meletup pada masa yang sama. Yang pertama, kata sumber itu, pergi di tingkat yang lebih tinggi di jabatanarah ini sebagai yang ke-2nya meletup dalam kereta sebelah bangunan. Peranti letupan yang  ke-3 dalam kereta lain telah dimatikan, kata sumber itu. .

Gambar-gambar Daqahliya keselamatan pimpinan yang diberikan di laman web Bahasa Arab Al-Ahram tidak lama selepas kejadian itu. Imej-imej yang menunjukkan dinding rosak teruk bahagian luar bangunan itu, serta kenderaan merobohkan yang diletakkan di premis itu.

Pengeboman datang sehari selepas kumpulan Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, atau Champions of Jerusalem, menggesa pegawai polis dan anggota tentera untuk meninggalkan jawatan mereka dalam tentera kerajaan sekular itu.

Kumpulan dan kumpulan berasaskan Sinai lain telah dipersalahkan untuk uptick dalam serangan terhadap pasukan keselamatan berikut digulingkan tentera yang dipilih secara demokratik bekas Presiden Mohamed Morsi.

Serangan tentera Mesir di wilayah Utara Sinai terhadap militan bermula pada bulan Ogos. Operasi telah menyebabkan pembunuhan 184 pejuang dan penangkapan 803 orang lain, jurucakap tentera Ahmed Mohammed Ali, hari ini.

Pengeboman telah meningkat di Mesir sejak Morsi keluar, terutamanya sebagai tindak balas kepada taktik berat tangan ketenteraan terhadap pro-Morsi dan penyokong Ikhwanul Muslimin. Pada 24 Julai, bahan letupan pergi melanda di sebuah balai polis berhampiran Mansoura keselamatan pimpinan, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya satu dan mencederakan 19.

Pada 5 September, Menteri Dalam Negeri Mesir, Mohamed Ibrahim terselamat daripada cubaan membunuhnya selepas bom meletup berhampiran konvoi di Kaherah. Ansar Beit Al- Maqdis telah mendakwa bertanggungjawab bagi serangan pelbagai, termasuk penge-boman bertujuan Menteri Dalam Negeri.

Hisham Masoud, General Manager of Mansoura’s hospitals, told Ahram the casualty toll is expected to rise based on eyewitness reports of the condition of those in the badly-damaged Daqahliya security directorate.

Al-Ahram’s Arabic site quoted an anonymous security source who said two bombs exploded at the same time. The first, the source said, went off on a higher floor in the directorate as the second detonated in a car next to the building. A third explosive device in another car was defused, the source said.

Photos of the Daqahliya security directorate were posted on Al-Ahram’s Arabic site not long after the incident. The images showed severely damaged exterior walls of the building, as well as demolished vehicles parked on the premises.

The bombings come one day after the group Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, or the Champions of Jerusalem, called on police officers and members of the army to desert their posts in the secular government’s military.

The group and other Sinai-based groups have been blamed for an uptick in attacks against security forces following the military’s ouster of democratically elected former President Mohamed Morsi.

An Egyptian military offensive in the Northern Sinai province against militants began in August. The operations have resulted in the killing of 184 fighters and the arrest of 803 others, military spokesman Ahmed Mohammed Ali said Monday.

Bombings have increased in Egypt since Morsi’s exit, especially in response to heavy-handed military tactics against pro-Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. On July 24, an explosive device went off at a police station near the Mansoura security directorate, killing at least one and injuring 19.

On September 5, Egypt's Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim survived an assassination attempt after a bomb exploded near his convoy in Cairo. Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis has claimed responsibility for various attacks, including the bombing aimed at the interior minister.

Jurucakap Kerajaan MESIR menggambarkan Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai kumpulan ‘pengganas’ . . .

Orang2 berjalan di sekitar kedai yang rosak selepas letupan di sebuah bangunan keselamatan di bandar Mansoura, ibu Dakahlyia Governorate, kira-kira 120 km (75 batu) timur laut Kaherah, 24 Disember, 2013. (People walk around a damaged shop after an explosion at a security building in Mansoura city, the capital of Dakahlyia Governorate, about 120 km (75 miles) northeast of Cairo, December 24, 2013. (Reuters/Stringer - think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Perdana Menteri Mesir Hazem Al Beblawi mengutuk letupan awal hari Selasa di ibu pejabat polis di Mansoura yang mengorbankan sekurang-kurangnya 14 sebagai tindakan keganasan, bersumpah untuk “mengejar penjenayah yang dilaksanakan, dirancang dan menyokong serangan itu.”

Sementara itu, jurucakap Kabinet Sherif Shawki menunjuk Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai bertanggungjawab pengeboman itu, berkata kumpulan Islam yang mendedahkan “wajah hodoh sebagai organisasi pengganas menumpahkan darah dan kerunsingan dengan keselamatan Mesir,” yang menurut News Agency Timur Tengah.

Beblawi tidak akan pergi sejauh Shawki, enggan mengesahkan apa-apa penetapan peng-ganas rasmi bagi Persaudaraan Islam, Al- Ahram melaporkan. Dia mengatakan serangan itu bertujuan untuk mengganggu laluan kepada peraturan demokrasi berikut penyingkiran bekas Presiden Mohamed Morsi itu oleh tentera pada bulan Julai.

“Ini adalah satu tindakan keganasan yang bertujuan untuk menakutkan rakyat dan meng-halang peta jalan. Tangan hitam di belakang akta ini ingin memusnahkan masa depan negara kita,” Beblawi memberitahu Mesir saluran satelit ONTV.

“Kerajaan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mengejar penjenayah yang dilaksanakan, dirancang dan menyokong serangan itu.” Beliau berjanji untuk menghukum sesiapapun, Mesir ditetapkan untuk mengundi bulan depan pada referendum mengenai perlembagaan baru digubal. Pilihan raya Parlimen dan presiden kononnya akan diikuti. “Sesiapa yang di belakang akta ini adalah pengganas dan akan dibawa ke muka pengadilan dan dihukum mengikut undang-undang. Tetapi saya tidak mahu menjangka kejadian,” kata Beblawi.

Kementerian kesihatan negeri melaporkan sekurang-kurangnya 14 mati dan 130 cedera selepas letupan berganda pada direktorat keselamatan di Mansoura, ibu wilayah Daqahliya di utara Mesir, berlaku pagi Selasa. Kebanyakan yang mati adalah agen polis yang berada di dalam sebahagiannya runtuh bangunan lima tingkat, AP melaporkan.

Ketua Direktorat keselamatan merupakan antara yang cedera, gabenor Daqahliya Omar El-Shawadfy memberitahu Mesir televisyen negara. Angka mangsa dijangka meningkat di Mansoura berdasarkan laporan dari tempat kejadian, Pengurus Besar Mansoura ini hospital Hisham Masoud kepada Al-Ahram.

Egyptian govt spokesman describes Muslim Brotherhood 
as 'terrorist' group . . .

Egyptian Prime Minister Hazem Al Beblawi condemned explosions early Tuesday at a police headquarters in Mansoura that killed at least 14 as an act of terrorism, vowing to “pursue the criminals who executed, planned and supported that attack.”

Meanwhile, Cabinet spokesman Sherif Shawki pointed at the Muslim Brotherhood as responsible for the bombing, saying the Islamist group revealed its "ugly face as a terrorist organization shedding blood and messing with Egypt's security,” according to Middle East News Agency.

Beblawi would not go as far as Shawki, refusing to confirm any official terrorist designation for the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Ahram reported. He did say the attack was meant to disrupt a path to democratic rule following former President Mohamed Morsi’s ouster by the military in July.

“This is an act of terrorism that aims at frightening the people and obstructing the road map. The black hands behind this act want to destroy the future of our country,” Beblawi told Egyptian satellite channel ONTV.

“The state will do its utmost to pursue the criminals who executed, planned and supported that attack." He promised to punish the perpetrators, as Egypt is set to vote next month on a referendum regarding a newly-drafted constitution. Parliamentary and presidential elections will supposedly follow. “Whoever is behind this act is a terrorist and will be brought to justice and punished according to the law. But I don’t want to anticipate the incidents," Beblawi said.

The state health ministry reports at least 14 dead and 130 injured after multiple explosions at a security directorate in Mansoura, capital of the Daqahliya province in northern Egypt, occurred Tuesday morning. Most of the dead are police agents who were inside the partially collapsed five-floor building, AP reported.

The head of the security directorate was among those injured, Daqahliya governor Omar El-Shawadfy told Egypt state television. The casualty toll is expected to rise in Mansoura based on reports from the scene, General Manager of Mansoura’s hospitals Hisham Masoud told Al-Ahram.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/1r9boj

Ikhwanul Muslimin mengutuk maut letupan bom Mesir

JohnnyAdam – Ikhwanul Muslimin telah mengutuk serangan bom kereta di sebatian keselamatan di Mesir Nil Delta yang mengorbankan sekurang-kurangnya 14 orang dan mencederakan lebih daripada 100 yang lain.

Walau bagaimanapun, kumpulan bekas Perdana Menteri Mohamed Mursi telah diper-salahkan kerana letupan itu di bandar Mansoura oleh jurucakap kerajaan yang disokong tentera. Beliau juga mencadangkan bahawa Perdana Menteri interim Mesir Hazem el-Beblawi telah mengisytiharkan Ikhwan organisasi pengganas. Kemudian laporan bagai-manapun gagal untuk mengesahkan ini.

Kebanyakan mangsa adalah pegawai polis. Serangan berani mati terhadap pasukan kese-lamatan telah didarab sejak tentera menggulingkan Mursi pada bulan Julai di tengah rusuhan besar-besaran terhadap pemerintahannya.

Muslim Brotherhood condemns deadly Egypt bomb blast

The Muslim Brotherhood has condemned a car bomb attack at a security compound in Egypt's Nile Delta that has killed at least 14 people and injured more than 100 others.

However, ex-premier Mohamed Mursi's group has been blamed for the blast in the city of Mansoura by a spokesman for the military-backed government. He also suggested that Egypt's interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi had declared the Brotherhood a terrorist organisation. Later reports however failed to confirm this.

Most of the casualties were police officers. Suicide attacks on security forces have multiplied since the army ousted Mursi in July amid mass unrest against his rule.

Pertempuran di Kaherah di atas hukuman 
penjara penunjuk perasaan . . .

JohnnyAdam – Pasukan keselamatan Mesir telah bertempur dengan pelajar universiti di Kaherah membantah terhadap hukuman penjara diturunkan kepada 3 tokoh-tokoh dalam 2011 demonstrasi terhadap bekas Presiden Hosni Mubarak.

Ains Shams Universiti menyaksikan adegan ganas sebagai polis rusuhan menggunakan gas pemedih mata untuk menghalang penunjuk perasaan daripada sampai ke Kementerian Pertahanan yang berhampiran. 

Kesatuan Eropah telah menyeru Mesir untuk menimbang semula keputusan mahkamah berkata kebebasan ia had berlebihan bersuara dan berhimpun.

Clashes in Cairo over protesters' jail sentences

Egyptian security forces have clashed with university students protesting in Cairo against the prison sentences handed down to three leading figures in the 2011 demonstrations against former President Hosni Mubarak.

Ains Shams University witnessed violent scenes as riot police used tear gas to prevent the demonstrators from reaching the nearby Defence Ministry. The European Union has urged Egypt to reconsider the court decision saying it excessively limits freedom of expression and assembly in the country.

Mesir penjara 3 aktivis sekular yg terkemuka . . .

JohnnyAdam – Sebuah mahkamah Mesir telah menghukum 3 aktivis sekular yang terke-muka untuk 3 tahun penjara setiap satu untuk menganjurkan perhimpunan yang tidak dibenarkan di Kaherah, tindakan yang kini dilarang di bawah undang-undang baru dilu-luskan bulan lepas oleh kerajaan sementara yang disokong tentera Mesir. Ketiga-tiga mereka, Ahmed Maher, Ahmed Doma, dan Mohamed Adel juga telah dikenakan denda beberapa USD 7,200.

Egypt jails 3 leading secular activists

An Egyptian court has sentenced three leading secular activists to three years in prison each for staging an unsanctioned rally in Cairo, an act which is now forbidden under a new law passed last month by Egypt's interim military-backed government. The three men, Ahmed Maher, Ahmed Doma, and Mohamed Adel were also fined some USD 7,200.

Ketua Polis di Istanbul sama dimensi sebagai anti-rasuah serbuan tindak balas yang semakin hebat . . .

JohnnyAdam – Ketua Polis di Istanbul telah menjadi pegawai kanan Turki terkini yang akan dikeluarkan dari jawatan mereka, selepas suatu siasatan anti-rasuah melanda di tengah-tengah golongan pemerintah negara. Serbuan polis pada hari Selasa membawa kepada penahanan lebih 80 orang, di antara mereka ahli perniagaan, birokrat dan 3 anak-anak menteri2 yang berkhidmat.

51 orang kekal dalam tahanan, tangkapan mereka mencetuskan gelombang pemecatan seluruh negara pegawai terkemuka yang terlibat dalam operasi itu. Ketua Polis Istanbul Huseyin Capkin memberikan pendapatnya mengenai isu itu: “Saya seorang pegawai negeri pegawai awam boleh dilantik dan dikeluarkan daripada tugas mereka saya telah cuba untuk berkhidmat kepada negara dan rakyat negara ini selama 4 setengah tahun”

Menghempas sengat polis, Perdana Menteri Erdogan diserang tindakan mereka sebagai “operasi kotor” untuk mencemarkan kerajaan. Pembangkang utama Turki telah memper-soalkan peranan negeri2 dalam pemecatan.

Istanbul's police chief axed as anti-graft raid 
backlash intensifies . . .

Istanbul's police chief has become the latest senior Turkish officer to be removed from their post, after an anti-corruption inquiry struck at the heart of the country's ruling elite. Police raids on Tuesday led to the detention of over 80 people, among them businessmen, bureaucrats and three sons of serving ministers.

51 people remain in custody, their arrests sparking a wave of sackings across the country of prominent officers involved in the operation. Istanbul Police Chief Huseyin Capkin gave his opinion on the issue: "I am a state officer. Public officers can be appointed and removed from their duty. I have been trying to serve my country and people of this country for four and a half years."

Slamming the police sting, Prime Minister Erdogan attacked their actions as a "dirty operation" to tarnish the government. Turkey's main opposition has already questioned the state's role in the dismissals.

Tiffany untuk MEMBAYAR Swatch € 327 Juta 
euro - korporat . . .

JohnnyAdam – Tukang emas berpusat di New York Tiffany telah dikurangkan berlainan keuntungan untuk tahun ini berikutan keputusan mahkamah bahawa ia perlu membayar syarikat jam Swatch hampir 449 juta dolar (327 juta euro). Mahkamah Belanda membuat keputusan itu atas usaha sama gagal untuk menghasilkan dan jam tangan pasaran.

Banyak antara kedua-dua telah ditandatangani pada tahun 2007 tetapi, berikutan per-bezaan pendapat, syarikat-syarikat didakwa antara satu sama lain dan kes itu pergi kepada timbangtara pada tahun 2012. Dalam satu kenyataan, Tiffany berkata ia mem-punyai sumber untuk membayar, sambil menambah tidak akan ada kesan kepada pelan jangka pendek atau panjang.

Tiffany's to pay Swatch 327 million euros - corporate

New York-based jeweller Tiffany's has slashed its profit outlook for this year following a court decision that it must pay watch company Swatch nearly 449 million dollars (327 million euros). A Dutch court made the order over a failed joint venture to produce and market watches.

A deal between the two was signed in 2007 but, following disagreements, the companies sued each other and the case went to arbitration in 2012. In a statement, Tiffany's said it had the resources to pay, adding there would be no impact on short or long term plans.

Kapal Selam Nuklear tentera laut RUSIA 
memasuki perkhidmatan . . .

JohnnyAdam – Kapal selam Tentera Laut Rusia yg ke-2 berkuasa nuklear strategik peluru berpandu, Aleksandr Nevskyhas, telah memasuki perkhidmatan. Ia adalah sebahagian dari-pada kelas generasi akan datang yang akan menjadi tulang belakang kepada laut berasas-kan penghalang nuklear Rusia selama beberapa dekad akan datang.

Russian Navy Nuclear Submarine Enters Service

The Russian Navy's second nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine, the Aleksandr Nevskyhas, has entered service. It's part of a next-generation class that will be the backbone of Russia's sea-based nuclear deterrent for decades to come.
