Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Presidential Address to the Nation . . .

MADAyuMadyan - Krisis Di Syria: Alamat Presiden kepada negara. Obama: “Inisiatif ini mempunyai potensi untuk menghapuskan ancaman bahan kimia tanpa menggunakan kuasa”

Crisis In Syria: Presidential Address to the Nation. Obama: “This initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemicals without the use of force.”

MADAyuMadyan - Obama Meminta Ditunda Vote di Syria. Presiden Obama berkata, beliau telah meminta ahli-ahli Kongres untuk menangguhkan undi pada serangan tentera di Syria manakala pilihan diplomatik yang melibatkan penyerahan senjata kimia dikejar, tetapi berkata tentera bersedia sepenuhnya untuk bertindak balas.

Obama Asks for Postponed Vote on Syria. President Obama says he has asked members of Congress to postpone a vote on a military strike in Syria while a diplomatic option involving the surrender of chemical weapons is pursued, but says the military is fully prepared to respond.
