MADAyuMadyan – Negara menarik: Anarkis,
pertembungan polis rusuhan di luar Athens. Gas pemedih mata ditembak di Greece,
sebagai pertembungan penunjuk perasaan dengan polis rusuhan di ibu negara.
Beribu-ribu pekerja sektor awam mengambil jalan-raya hari ini dalam serangan di
seluruh negara bagi membantah pemotongan perbelanjaan lebih.
perhimpunan yang berasingan sekumpulan penunjuk perasaan berarak terhadap pihak
subuh Golden fasis selepas pembunuhan seorang aktivis anti-fasis semalam. batu
telah dilemparkan polis yang bertindak balas dengan gas pemedih mata. RT
disertai oleh Lucy Kafanov.
Nation: Anarchists, riot police clash outside Athens. Tear gas is fired in
Greece, as protesters clash with riot police in the country's capital.
Thousands of public sector workers took to the streets today in a nationwide
strike to protest more spending cuts.
In a
separate rally a group of demonstrators marched against the fascist Golden dawn
party after the killing of an anti-fascist activist yesterday. rocks were
thrown at police who responded with tear gas. RT is joined by Lucy Kafanov.