Apa Privasi? Terkini
Snowden kebocoran mendedahkan UK telekom gergasi bermain bola dengan GCHQ.
Dokumen-dokumen yang bocor oleh Amerika Syarikat pemberi maklumat Edward
Snowden mencadangkan bahawa Business Verizon, Vodafone kabel dan BT adalah
antara orang-orang yang memberi GCHQ tanpa had akses kepada rangkaian mereka
Kerjasama mereka
membolehkan agensi untuk menuai berjuta-juta panggilan telefon, e-mel dan
perbualan Facebook. Ini datang di tengah-tengah laporan bahawa Agensi
Keselamatan Negara Amerika yang bermurah hati membiayai pengawasan British.
Sara Firth laporan RT ini.
What Privacy? New
Snowden leaks reveal UK telecom giants play ball with GCHQ. Documents leaked by
US whistleblower Edward Snowden suggest that Verizon Business, Vodafone Cable
and BT were among those who gave GCHQ unlimited access to their network of
Their collaboration
allowed the agency to harvest millions of phone calls, emails and Facebook
conversations. This comes in the wake of reports that America's National
Security Agency is generously funding British surveillance. RT's Sara Firth
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