Tuesday 30 July 2013

The exact times for the five daily prayers are written on a small board (L) as ethnic Cham Muslims pray at their makeshift mosque . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Masa yang tepat untuk solat 5 waktu akan ditulis di atas papan kecil (L) sebagai etnik orang-orang Islam Cham berdoa di masjid sementara mereka di tebing sungai Mekong di Phnom Penh 29 Julai 2013. Kira-kira 100 keluarga etnik Cham, terdiri daripada nomad dan nelayan tanpa rumah atau tanah yang tiba di ibu negara Kemboja untuk mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik, hidup di dalam bot kecil mereka di semenanjung di mana Sungai Mekong dan Tonle Sap sungai bertemu, sebaliknya pusat bandar. Masyarakat telah memaksa untuk berpindah beberapa kali dari lokasi mereka di Phnom Penh sebagai tanah itu menjadi lebih berharga. Mereka bimbang bahawa rumah mereka sekarang, hanya di belakang sebuah hotel mewah yang baru dalam pembinaan di daerah Changva Chroy hanya sementara dan bahawa mereka akan perlu bergerak lagi tidak lama lagi. Gambar diambil 29 Julai, 2013 (The exact times for the five daily prayers are written on a small board (L) as ethnic Cham Muslims pray at their makeshift mosque on the banks of the Mekong river in Phnom Penh July 29, 2013. About 100 ethnic Cham families, made up of nomads and fishermen without houses or land who arrived at the Cambodian capital in search of better lives, live on their small boats on a peninsula where the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers meet, just opposite the city's centre. The community has been forced to move several times from their locations in Phnom Penh as the land becomes more valuable. They fear that their current home, just behind a new luxurious hotel under construction at the Chroy Changva district is only temporary and that they would have to move again soon. Picture taken July 29, 2013. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj (CAMBODIA - SOCIETY RELIGION TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)
