Tuesday 30 July 2013

Ashton EU membincangkan krisis Mesir dengan Morsi . . .

Photo: AP Seorang penyokong Mesir Presiden Mohammed Morsi yang digulingkan menangis semasa protes terhadap Mesir Menteri Pertahanan Jeneral Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah memasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 29 Julai, 2013 (A supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi cries during a protest against Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013 – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MADAyuMAdyan - CAIRO (AP) ‘Ashton EU membincangkan krisis Mesir dengan Morsi’ Diplomat teratas Kesatuan Eropah mengatakan Selasa bahawa Presiden Mesir Mohammed Morsi yang digulingkan adalah "baik" dan bahawa kedua-dua mempunyai "terbuka dan sangat terang" perbincangan mengenai krisis politik di negara ini dan keperluan untuk bergerak ke hadapan.

Mesyuarat EU Ketua Dasar Luar Catherine Ashton dua-jam dengan Morsi lewat Isnin adalah kenalan pertama pemimpin Islam telah yang digulingkan dengan DUNIA luar sejak rampasan kuasa tentera yang menggulingkan beliau pada 3 Julai. Beliau telah dibenarkan berkomunikasi di yang mana lokasi yang tidak didedahkan sejak kejatuhannya.

Bercakap kepada pemberita Selasa, Ashton berkata Morsi "mempunyai akses kepada maklumat, dari TV dan surat khabar, jadi kami boleh bercakap tentang keadaan ini, dan kita dapat bercakap tentang keperluan untuk bergerak ke hadapan." Beliau enggan mendedahkan apa-apa lagi mengenai perbualan mereka.

Ashton berkata beliau dapat melihat kemudahan di mana dia sedang diadakan, tetapi dia tidak tahu di mana ia. "Saya menghantar dia dgn hasrat baik dari orang-orang di sini, dan dia meminta saya untuk menyampaikan hasrat kembali, dan sudah tentu saya telah cuba untuk memastikan bahawa keluarganya tahu bahawa dia adalah dalam keadaan yang baik," kata beliau.

Ketua dasar luar Kesatuan Eropah di Mesir pada lawatan kedua bulan ini untuk mencari jalan keluar daripada krisis yang semakin berdarah dan kompleks Mesir, mencari kompromi dalam perbincangan dengan kerajaan yang disokong tentera dan sekutu presiden yang digulingkan.

Beliau telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan kepimpinan interim Mesir, termasuk ketua tentera Jeneral Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, serta wakil-wakil Ikhwan Muslimin Morsi itu. Beliau berkata dalam perbincangan beliau dengan semua pihak di Mesir, beliau menjelaskan bahawa "tidak ada tempat bagi keganasan ini dan bahawa demonstrasi aman adalah penting."

"Saya di sini tidak untuk meminta orang ramai untuk melakukan perkara-perkara," tambah beliau. "Saya di sini untuk mengetahui di mana asas yang sama mungkin, langkah-langkah membina keyakinan boleh, yang boleh membantu semua orang bergerak ke hadapan." Tiada sebarang tanda-tanda serta-merta bahawa kedua-dua belah konflik bersedia untuk mendengar rayuan itu.

Ikhwan telah menolak panggilan untuk bekerjasama dengan pemimpin-pemimpin baru dan dipanggil untuk demonstrasi baru pada Selasa. Kerajaan juga telah membuat tiada isyarat pendamai.

Photo: AP Mesir interim Presiden Adly Mansour, (C), bertemu dengan Kesatuan Eropah Ketua Dasar Luar Catherine Ashton, (L) dan Menteri Mesir Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri, Nabil Fahmy, (R), di Istana Presiden di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 29 Julai, 2013. Polis Mesir menahan 2 pemimpin Islam parti Ikhwan-bersekutu dalam terkini dalam gelombang penangkapan Islam terkemuka berikutan penyingkiran Presiden Mohammed Morsi, manakala diplomat terkemuka di Eropah mengadakan rundingan dengan pihak saingan Isnin hingga cuba untuk menjadi pengantara pengakhiran kepada negara ini semakin krisis berdarah (Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour, (C), meets with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, (L), and Egypt's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nabil Fahmy, (R), at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Egyptian police detained two leaders of a Muslim Brotherhood-allied party in the latest in a wave of arrests of prominent Islamists following President Mohammed Morsi’s ouster, while Europe’s top diplomat held talks with the rival sides Monday to try to mediate an end to the country’s increasingly bloody crisis – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Catherine Ashton, ketua dasar luar EU, kiri, bertemu dengan Naib Presiden Mesir sementara, Mohamed ElBaradei di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin Julai 29, 2013. Ia adalah lawatan yang ke-2 Ashton ke Kaherah sejak Presiden Mohammed Morsi digulingkan hampir sebulan yang lalu, lantas segera yang dirasai selepas keganasan yang telah membunuh lebih daripada 260 orang dan semua tetapi putus-putus harapan perdamaian politik di negara ini jauh berbeza (Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, left, meets with Egypt's interim Vice President, Mohamed ElBaradei in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. It was Ashton's second visit to Cairo since President Mohammed Morsi was toppled nearly a month ago, underscoring the urgency felt after violence that has killed more than 260 people and all but dashed hopes of political reconciliation in the deeply divided country – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Kesatuan Eropah Ketua Dasar Luar Catherine Ashton, (C/tengah), bertemu dengan Mahmoud Badr, kiri, dan Mohammed Abdel-Aziz, pemimpin kempen Tamarod belia, yang mengetuai bantahan terhadap Mesir menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 29 julai , 2013. Lawatan kedua Ashton ke Kaherah sejak Morsi digulingkan hampir sebulan yang lalu, lantas segera yang dirasai selepas keganasan yang telah membunuh lebih daripada 260 orang dan semua tetapi putus-putus harapan perdamaian politik di negara ini jauh berbeza (European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, center, meets with Mahmoud Badr, left, and Mohammed Abdel-Aziz, leaders of the youth campaign Tamarod, which led the protests against Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Ashton's second visit to Cairo since Morsi was toppled nearly a month ago, underscoring the urgency felt after violence that has killed more than 260 people and all but dashed hopes of political reconciliation in the deeply divided country – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penyokong bekas Presiden Mohammed Morsi nyanyian slogan Mesir di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah memasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin Julai 29, 2013. Diplomat terkemuka di Eropah menggesa kerajaan Mesir untuk mendekati Ikhwan Muslimin kerana dia bekerja Isnin hingga pengantara menamatkan krisis semakin berdarah di negara ini, manakala penunjuk perasaan terutamanya Islam menyeru kepulangan pemimpin digulingkan Mohammed Morsi berkumpul lebih protes (Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Europe's top diplomat urged Egypt's government to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood as she worked Monday to mediate an end to the country's increasingly bloody crisis, while the mainly Islamist protesters calling for the return of ousted leader Mohammed Morsi massed for more protests – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penyokong bekas Presiden Mohammed Morsi nyanyian slogan Mesir di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah memasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin Julai 29, 2013. Diplomat terkemuka di Eropah menggesa kerajaan Mesir untuk mendekati Ikhwan Muslimin kerana dia bekerja Isnin hingga pengantara menamatkan krisis semakin berdarah di negara ini, manakala penunjuk perasaan terutamanya Islam menyeru kepulangan pemimpin digulingkan Mohammed Morsi berkumpul lebih protes (Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Europe's top diplomat urged Egypt's government to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood as she worked Monday to mediate an end to the country's increasingly bloody crisis, while the mainly Islamist protesters calling for the return of ousted leader Mohammed Morsi massed for more protests – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Penyokong bekas Presiden Mohammed Morsi nyanyian slogan Mesir yang memegang gambar Morsi dengan tulisan Arab yang berbunyi: "Morsi adalah presiden kami," di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah dipasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin, 29 Julai 2013. Diplomat terkemuka di Eropah menggesa kerajaan Mesir untuk mendekati Ikhwan Muslimin kerana dia bekerja Isnin hingga pengantara menamatkan krisis semakin berdarah di negara ini, manakala penunjuk perasaan terutamanya Islam menyeru kepulangan pemimpin digulingkan Mohammed Morsi berkumpul lebih protes (Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans one holding a picture of Morsi with Arabic writing that reads: "Morsi is my president," at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Europe's top diplomat urged Egypt's government to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood as she worked Monday to mediate an end to the country's increasingly bloody crisis, while the mainly Islamist protesters calling for the return of ousted leader Mohammed Morsi massed for more protests – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Seorang penyokong Mesir menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Morsi berdiri di gudang sementara untuk bekalan perubatan di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah dipasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Isnin JULAI 29, 2013. Diplomat terkemuka di Eropah menggesa kerajaan Mesir untuk mendekati Ikhwan Muslimin kerana dia bekerja Isnin hingga pengantara menamatkan krisis semakin berdarah di negara ini, manakala penunjuk perasaan terutamanya Islam menyeru kepulangan pemimpin digulingkan Mohammed Morsi berkumpul lebih protes (A supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi stands in a makeshift warehouse for medical supplies at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Monday, July 29, 2013. Europe's top diplomat urged Egypt's government to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood as she worked Monday to mediate an end to the country's increasingly bloody crisis, while the mainly Islamist protesters calling for the return of ousted leader Mohammed Morsi massed for more protests – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Photo: AP Seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berdiri di sebelah Penyokong bertudung bagi Mesir Presiden Mohammed Morsi yang digulingkan di Nasr City, di mana penunjuk perasaan telah dipasang kem dan mengadakan perhimpunan harian, di Kaherah, Mesir, Isnin 29 Julai, 2013. Diplomat terkemuka di Eropah menggesa kerajaan Mesir untuk mendekati Ikhwan Muslimin kerana dia bekerja Isnin hingga pengantara menamatkan krisis semakin berdarah di negara ini, manakala penunjuk perasaan terutamanya Islam menyeru kepulangan pemimpin digulingkan Mohammed Morsi berkumpul lebih protes (A girls stands next to veiled Supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013. Europe's top diplomat urged Egypt's government to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood as she worked Monday to mediate an end to the country's increasingly bloody crisis, while the mainly Islamist protesters calling for the return of ousted leader Mohammed Morsi massed for more protests – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

EU's Ashton discusses Egypt crisis with Morsi

MADAyuMadyan - CAIRO (AP) The European Union's top diplomat said Tuesday that deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is "well" and that the two had an "open and very frank" discussion about the country's political crisis and the need to move forward.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton's two-hour meeting with Morsi late Monday is the first contact the ousted Islamist leader has had with the outside world since the military coup that overthrew him on July 3. He has been held incommunicado at an undisclosed location since his ouster.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Ashton said Morsi "has access to information, in terms of TV and newspapers, so we were able to talk about the situation, and we were able to talk about the need to move forward." She declined to reveal anything further about their conversation.

Ashton said she was able to see the facilities where he is being held, but that she does not know where it is. "I sent him good wishes from people here, and he asked me to pass on wishes back, and of course I've tried to make sure that his family knows that he is well," she said.

The EU foreign policy chief is in Egypt on her second visit this month to search for a way out of Egypt's increasingly bloody and complex crisis, looking for compromises in talks with the military-backed government and allies of the ousted president.

She has held meetings with Egypt's interim leadership, including army chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, as well as representatives of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood. She said that during her talks with all sides in Egypt, she made clear that "there is no place for violence in this and that peaceful demonstration is important."

"I am not here to ask people to do things," she added. "I am here to find out where the common ground might be, the confidence-building measures could be, that can help everybody move forward." There were no immediate signs that either side of the conflict was willing to heed her appeals. The Brotherhood has rejected calls to work with the new leaders and called for new demonstrations on Tuesday. The government also has made no conciliatory gestures.
