Thursday, 2 January 2014

“Hentikan Mengintip pada orang2”: Elektronik Tentera Syria hacks Skype

Image from (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

JohnnyAdam – Penggodam komputer Syria konglomerat, Tentera Elektronik Syria (SEA), telah memulakan Tahun Baru dengan beberapa serangan siber, menjejaskan Skype Twitter, akaun Facebook, dan blog rasminya.

Perkhidmatan Skype Microsoft suara-lalui-IP, akaun Twitter telah digodam sekitar 19:30 GMT dengan penerbitan tweet menggesa orang ramai untuk tidak menggunakan Microsoft akaun kerana syarikat itu adalah “menjual data kepada kerajaan”. SEA kemudian menulis sebarang tweet semula mesej menggunakan laman twitter sendiri.

“Stop Spying on people”: Syrian Electronic Army hacks Skype

Syrian computer hacker conglomerate, the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), has kicked off the New Year with a number of cyber-attacks, compromising Skype’s Twitter, Facebook accounts, and its official blog.

Skype’s Microsoft’s voice-over-IP service, Twitter accounts were hacked around 19:30 GMT with the publishing of a tweet urging people not to use Microsoft accounts because the company is “selling the data to the governments”. SEA later re-tweeted the message using its own twitter page.

SyrianElectronicArmy@Official_SEA16  For who missed it. #SEA  (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Mesej yang sama telah diposkan halaman Facebook Skype, tetapi dengan cepat diha-puskan, mengikut TheNextWeb. Serangan juga dihasilkan di blog rasmi Skype dengan jawatan menyeru Amerika Syarikat untuk menghentikan aktiviti mengintip globalnya.

The same message was posted Skype's Facebook page, but was quickly deleted, according to TheNextWeb. Attacks were also generated on Skype’s official blog with posts calling on the US to stop its global spying activity.

SEA terus menyerang Microsoft melalui posting akaun Twitter ini, “Anda boleh berterima kasih kepada Microsoft untuk memantau akaun/e-mel anda menggunakan butiran ini.”

SEA continued to attack Microsoft via its twitter account posting, “You can thank Microsoft for monitoring your accounts/emails using these details.”

SyrianElectronicArmy@Official_SEA16  You can thank Microsoft for monitoring your accounts/emails using this details. #SEA (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Sejak ditubuhkan SEA pada tahun 2011, organisasi telah menafikan sebarang kaitan dengan kerajaan Syria. Mereka mendakwa untuk menjadi motivasi diri penyokong patriotik kerajaan, tetapi tidak bertindak bagi pihaknya.

Pada tahun 2013, SEA mendakwa bertanggungjawab untuk hacking beberapa media Barat termasuk New York Times, Cuaca Twitter halaman BBC dan Financial Times. Boleh dikatakan, kejayaan terbesar mereka adalah penembusan akaun twitter Associated Press bahkan posted Presiden Barack Obama telah cedera dalam serangan White House.

Skype kini telah kembali sepenuhnya kawalan dan dihapuskan tweets palsu dari dikom-promi saluran media sosial. Blog sedang secara automatik diarahkan semula ke laman utama Skype.

“Kami baru-baru ini menyedari sasaran serangan siber yang membawa kepada akses kepada ciri-ciri media sosial Skype, tetapi kelayakan ini telah dengan cepat menetapkan semula. Tiada maklumat pengguna telah terjejas,” kata jurucakap Skype balas kepada TheNextWeb pertanyaan .

Skype juga menulis sebarang tweet bahawa tiada akaun pengguna yang lain telah dikompromi.

Since SEA’s inception in 2011, the organization has denied any association with the Syrian government. They claim to be self-motivated patriotic supporters of the government, but are not acting on its behalf.

In 2013, SEA claimed responsibility for hacking a number of Western media outlets including the New York Times, BBC’s Weather Twitter page and the Financial Times. Arguably, their biggest success was the penetration of the Associated Press twitter account that posted President Barack Obama had been injured in a White House attack.

Skype has now fully regained control and deleted the false tweets from the compromised social media channels. Its blog is being automatically redirected to Skype’s homepage.

“We recently became aware of a targeted cyber-attack that led to access to Skype’s social media properties, but these credentials were quickly reset. No user information was compromised,” a Skype spokesman responded to TheNextWeb query.

Skype also tweeted that no accounts of its other users had been compromised.

Anda mungkin perasan hartanah media sosial kami sasarkan hari ini. Tiada mak-lumat pengguna telah dikompromi. Kami minta maaf atas sebarang kesulitan. (You may have noticed our social media properties were targeted today. No user info was compromised. We’re sorry for the inconvenience).

Skype@Skype (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Serangan terbaru oleh SEA mengikuti ayat-ayat Edward Snowden ini NSA menguping jangkauan, termasuk Microsoft.

Pada November Microsoft dan bahagian Skype yang telah dibersihkan daripada pelang-garan privasi yang berkaitan dengan skandal NSA oleh Luxembourg perlindungan data pengatur.

Siasatan di negeri ini ke dalam kerjasama Microsoft mengenai perkongsian dengan NSA data mendapati bahawa pemindahan beberapa data kepada syarikat-syarikat sekutu di Amerika Syarikat “nampaknya dijalankan secara sah” di bawah apa yang dipanggil per-janjian pelabuhan selamat.

The latest attacks by the SEA follow Edward Snowden’s revelations of NSA eavesdrop outreach, including Microsoft.

In November Microsoft and its Skype division were cleared of privacy violations relating to the NSA scandal by the Luxembourg data protection regulator.

The state’s probe into Microsoft’s collaboration on data sharing with the NSA found that the transfer of some data to affiliate companies in the US “appears to take place lawfully” under a so-called safe harbor agreement.
