Sunday, 15 September 2013

Watch Video n Read Carefully . . .

MADAyuMadyan - Ini adalah acara antarabangsa yang pertama oleh KN-OW, yang akan diadakan di London, United Kingdom pada 21 September 2013, berikutan dari kejayaan kita, ‘fully booked’ acara sulung (inaugural event) di Nottingham tahun lalu.

ISEEK bertujuan untuk memberitahu, mendorong, dan mengajar anda mengenai isu-isu DUNIA hari ini. Kami mempunyai yang menarik barisan penceramah pakar dan ulama untuk menyediakan dengan pengalaman tahun ini.

Persidangan itu akan berkhidmat untuk menjadi titik permulaan bagi ramai untuk menyedari fenomena global yang mungkin diselubungi oleh wacana popular atau tidak jelas kepada kita yang bagaimana. Bagi yang lain, ia akan menjadi satu peluang untuk menggali jauh ke dalam soalan-soalan yang menghantui kita setiap hari. Tidak dinafikan untuk semua, ia akan menjadi satu pengalaman pembelajaran yang luar biasa.

Sila lihat (the special message from Imran Nazar Hosein) mesej khas dari Imran Nazar Hosein menjemput anda untuk menyertai kami di Sidang Kemuncak

Ini adalah peluang anda untuk mendapat manfaat daripada pengetahuan pakar yang sangat baik dan memungut pemahaman yang lebih baik daripada zaman moden. Ia sudah pasti akan menjadi acara tidak ketinggalan, (buy your ticket)  jadi membeli tiket anda sekarang! dan memuat turun (travel guide) panduan perjalanan penting untuk maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai sidang kemuncak itu.

Sebarkan (SHARE)
Tolong bantu kami mempromosikan acara ini melalui media sosial dan menyebarkan kesedaran! Sila lihat semua poster kami di galeri kami - sila berasa bebas untuk memuat turun dan berkongsi talian!

This is the first international event by KN-OW, to be held in London, UK on the 21st September 2013, following on from our successful, fully booked inaugural event in Nottingham last year.

ISEEK aims to inform, motivate, and teach you about the issues in the world today. We have an exciting line-up of expert speakers and scholars to provide you with the most enriching experience of the year.

The conference will serve to be a starting point for many to become aware of the global phenomena which may be shrouded by popular discourse or unclear to us how. For others, it will be a chance to dig deeper into the questions that plague us daily. Undoubtedly for all, it will be an incredible learning experience.

Please see the special message from Imran Nazar Hosein inviting you to join us at the Summit

This is your chance to benefit from excellent expert knowledge and glean a better understanding of modern times. It will undoubtedly be an event not to miss, so buy your ticket now! and download the essential travel guide for more info about the summit.

Please help us promote this event via social media and spread the awareness! Please see all of our posters in our gallery - please feel free to download them and share them online!

MADAyuMadyan - END Of the HISTORY Not END Of the WORLD!!! We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People and Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor.

With this Messages I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God and the Mystery Surrounding us. WatchVideo n Read Carefully. Think and Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .

Description, links, and full credits coming soon.

FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc . . .

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

(Kahf Amerika Syarikat)!!!??????????? illuminiti Amerika Utara, Arahan Pusat, Gunung Ozark Missouri.

(Kahf BARAT)!!??????????????????????? Jalan masuk ke bandar Amerika Syarikat bawah tanah dan sistem jalan.

(Kahf City)!!!???????????????????????? Terowong Bawah Tanah Elit dan Bandar ‘City’ sepenuhnya dibekalkan.

Kerajaan dan media arus perdana ketawa pada orang-orang yang bersedia untuk bencana dengan makanan jangka panjang storable dan bekalan, tetapi mereka membelanjakan banyak berbilion membina dan menyimpan DUMBS mereka ‘Deep Underground’ Bases Tentera.

Terdapat satu bab keseluruhan dalam rintangan Manifesto oleh Mark Dice memperincikan DUMBS dan TBM, Mesin Asrama Tunnel, dan sistem terowong bawah tanah yang merangkumi negara, jika tidak DUNIA.

Pahlawan perhatian, Patriots dan Tentera Amerika Syarikat lawatan peribadi saya Mansion Pensmore yang erea sedang di bawah pembinaan adalah di bawah survalyance berat, rancangan saya adalah untuk melengkapkan Op-malam dan filem ibu pejabat baru sambungan bawah tanah ke bandar bawah tanah Amerika Syarikat dan sistem jalan. Kedudukan saya compromsed dan terpaksa membatalkan misi sekali saya mencapai sasaran.

(US Kahf)!??? illuminiti North American Command Center Ozark mountains Missouri.

(WEST Kahf)!??? Entrance to U.S. Underground City and Roadway System.

(City Kahf)!??? Elite Underground Tunnels and City Completely Stocked.

The government and mainstream media laugh at people who are prepared for a disaster with long term storable food and supplies, but they spend countless billions building and stocking their D.U.M.B.S. Deep Underground Military Bases.

There is an entire chapter in The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice detailing D.U.M.B.S. and TBMs, Tunnel Boarding Machines, and the underground tunnel system that spans the country, if not the WORLD.

Attention Warriors, Patriots and U.S. Military Personal I visited the Pensmore Mansion currently unders contruction the erea is under heavy survalyance, My plan was to complete a night-op and film new headquarters underground connection to U.S. underground city and roadway system. My position was compromsed and had to abort mission once I reached the target.
