Tuesday, 17 September 2013

US Navy Yard penembak digambarkan sebagai yang ‘baik’, tetapi dengan isu-isu marah . . .

Polis berjalan di Washington Navy Yard selepas tembak-menembak di Washington pada September 16, 2013 (Police walk in the Washington Navy Yard after a shooting in Washington on September 16, 2013 (Reuters/Joshua Roberts – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MADAyuMadyan - US Navy Yard penembak digambarkan sebagai yang ‘baik’, tetapi dengan isu-isu marah. Kehidupan Aaron Alexis, orang yang pergi membeli-membunuh di Washington Navy Yard pada hari Isnin, telah digambarkan sebagai "kajian yang berbeza," dari yang diumumkan untuk kepahlawanan beliau pada 11 September, untuk mempunyai banyak ‘run-in’ dengan undang-undang.

Pihak berkuasa Amerika Syarikat masih cuba simpulkan apa yang Aaron Alexis itu, dan apa yang mendorong beliau untuk menembak mati 12 orang dengan kejam dan mencederakan lapan yang lain. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka sudah mempunyai lakaran kasar pembunuh berdarah sejuk.

Walaupun rakan-rakan dan jiran-jiran menerangkan Alexis sebagai “bagus,” bapanya pernah memberitahu detektif di Seattle anaknya mempunyai “masalah pengurusan kemarahan yang berkaitan dengan tekanan selepas trauma disebabkan oleh serangan pengganas 11 September, 2001,” lapor AP. Beliau juga mengadu tentang Tentera Laut dan menjadi “mangsa diskriminasi.’

US Navy Yard shooter described as ‘nice’, but with anger issues. The life of Aaron Alexis, the man who went on a killing spree at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, has been described as a “study of contrasts,” from being heralded for his heroism on September 11, to having numerous run-ins with the law.

US authorities are still trying to piece together exactly who Aaron Alexis was, and what drove him to gun down 12 people in cold blood and injure another eight. However, they already have a rough sketch of the cold-blooded killer.

Despite friends and neighbors describing Alexis as “nice,” his father once told detectives in Seattle his son had “anger management problems related to post-traumatic stress brought on by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,” AP reported. He also complained about the Navy and being a “victim of discrimination.”

Aaron Alexis (AFP Photo/Fort Worth Police Department – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Walaupun ramai menyuarakan kebimbangan awal bahawa insiden itu entah bagaimana berkaitan dengan keganasan Islam, realiti yang datang sebagai kejutan. Alexis, seorang pakar teknologi maklumat 34 tahun dan bekas sandaran Tentera Laut dari tahun 2007 hingga awal 2011, juga menganut agama Buddha yang dibesarkan di New York City.

Walaupun Alexis telah ‘Run-ins’ dengan undang-undang ke atas kejadian tembakan pada tahun 2004 dan 2010 di Fort Worth dan Seattle, dan telah digambarkan dalam laporan polis sebagai "Gelora dengan Kemarahan,” ia tidak kelihatan Tentera Laut mempunyai apa-apa keraguan tentang bekerjasama dengan beliau. Beliau dilaporkan mempunyai kelulusan ‘rahsia' di Yard Tentera Laut.

“Dia mempunyai kelulusan rahsia. Dan dia mempunyai CAC [kad akses biasa],” Thomas Hoshko, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Pakar Inc, kepada Reuters. Hoshko menjelaskan bahawa syarikat kontraktor yang telah membantu perkhidmatan Tentera Laut Kor Marin Intranet sebagai subkontraktor untuk HP Enterprise Services, anak syarikat Hewlett-Packard Co

Alexis sebelum ini bekerja di Jepun untuk Pakar dari bulan September 2012 hingga Januari 2013. Syarikat ini dinyatakan di laman webnya sebagai satu “pembekal global IT, proses penyelesaian kejuruteraan, telekomunikasi dan perniagaan . . . menyokong pejuang perang di luar negara dan dasar domestik di rumah.”

Pegawai Amerika Syarikat juga cuba buat simpulan bagaimana penembak berjaya melepasi keselamatan di Navy Yard bersenjata, saksi berkata, dengan senapang AR-15 serangan dan senapang patah. Alexis pun dapat bergelut ‘handgun’ dari seorang pegawai polis di tempat kejadian, menurut 2 pegawai-pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang persekutuan yang bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan kerana mereka tidak diberi kuasa untuk membincangkan siasatan, CNN melaporkan.

Menembak Isnin ‘datang kurang daripada sebulan selepas panel tentera mencadangkan hukuman mati kerana tentera Amerika Syarikat Tentera Darat, Mejar Nidal Malik Hasan, yang membunuh 13 orang dan mencederakan 30 yang lain di Fort Hood pangkalan tentera di Texas pada 5 November 2009.

While many expressed initial fears that the incident was somehow connected to Islamic terrorism, the reality came as a shock. Alexis, a 34-year-old information technology specialist and former Navy reservist from 2007 to early 2011, was also a convert to Buddhism who grew up in New York City.

Although Alexis had run-ins with the law over shooting incidents in 2004 and 2010 in Fort Worth and Seattle, and was portrayed in police reports as “seething with anger,” it does not seem the Navy had any misgivings about working with him. He reportedly had 'secret' clearance at the Navy Yard.

"He did have a secret clearance. And he did have a CAC [common access card]," Thomas Hoshko, CEO of The Experts Inc, told Reuters. Hoshko explained that the contracting company was helping service the Navy Marine Corps Intranet as a subcontractor for HP Enterprise Services, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Co.

Alexis had previously worked in Japan for The Experts from September 2012 to January 2013. The company is described on its website as being a "global provider of IT, engineering, telecom and business process solutions...supporting the war fighter abroad and domestic policy at home."

US officials are also trying to piece together how the shooter managed to breach security at the Navy Yard armed, witnesses say, with an AR-15 assault rifle and a shotgun. Alexis was even able to wrestle a handgun from a police officer at the scene, according to two federal law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation, CNN reported.

Mondays' shooting comes less than a month after a military panel recommended the death sentence for US military Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 13 and injured 30 others at the Fort Hood military base in Texas on November 5, 2009.

Tali pita polis di luar kediaman Brooklyn Cathleen Alexis, ibu pada yang syaki Washington Navy Yard penembak Aaron Alexis, di New York September 16, 2013 (Reuters/Andrew Kelly think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

‘Kemarahan didorong ‘blackout’

Berdasarkan komen dari orang-orang yang tahu Aaron Alexis - yang buruk dipotong pendek kehidupan 13 orang, termasuk beliau sendiri - beliau tidak tampil sebagai satu ancaman yang boleh dilihat.

“Lelaki Pretty nice, tidak berkata apa-apa yang banyak, anda tahu, hanya berkata hello disimpan dan bergerak,” kata Calvin Belton, jiran Alexis. “Dia tidak menyerang saya sebagai apa-apa yang tidak kena dengan dia.”

Walau bagaimanapun, di bawah permukaan keserasian jelas kejiranan beliau tersirat tanda-tanda bahawa beliau mengalami iblis dalaman. Bapanya sendiri pernah memberitahu detektif di Seattle bahawa anaknya mengalami “masalah pengurusan kemarahan” yang berkaitan dengan tekanan selepas trauma yang dimulakan oleh serangan pengganas 11 September, 2001.

Pada tahun 2004, polis Seattle berkata Alexis telah ditangkap kerana menembak keluar tayar kenderaan dalam apa yang kemudiannya digambarkan kepada polis sebagai bahan bakar kemarahan “blackout,” lapor AP.

Menurut akaun di laman web jabatan polis, 2 pekerja binaan telah meletakkan kereta mereka di jalan masuk tempat kerja mereka, bersebelahan dengan rumah di mana Alexis tinggal. Pekerja-pekerja melaporkan melihat seorang lelaki, kemudian dikenal pasti oleh polis sebagai Alexis, keluar rumah yang akan datang ke tapak kerja mereka, tarik pistol dan 3 tembakan ke tayar belakang kenderaan mereka sebelum dia berjalan perlahan-lahan kembali ke rumahnya.

Polis akhirnya menangkap Alexis dan ditempatkan dia ke dalam King County Jail untuk “kerosakan yang berniat jahat” selepas mendapati pistol dan peluru dalam biliknya.
Menurut laporan polis, Alexis memberitahu penyiasat dia merasakan dia telah “dipermainkan” oleh pekerja-pekerja binaan pagi kejadian. Alexis juga mendakwa dia mempunyai kemarahan didorong “blackout”, dan tidak ingat menembak pistol di kenderaan sehingga satu jam selepas kejadian itu.
Beliau juga memberitahu polis dia hadir semasa “peristiwa-peristiwa tragis 11 September, 2001” dan menyifatkan “bagaimana peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah terganggu dia” tanpa memberikan maklumat lanjut.

Pada 5 Mei, 2007, Alexis menyenaraikan dalam rizab Tentera Laut, yang berkhidmat hingga 2011, menurut jurucakap Tentera Laut Lt Megan Shutka.

Walaupun dalam rizab, Alexis menerima Perkhidmatan Pertahanan Nasional Pingat dan Perang Global mengenai Keganasan Perkhidmatan Pingat, pingat dikeluarkan kepada kakitangan yang berkhidmat di luar negara dan di Amerika Syarikat sejak serangan 9/11 .

Tugasan lepas Alexis ‘adalah seperti penerbangan juruelektrik pasangan kelas 3 di Stesen Udara Tentera Laut Joint Base Reserve di Fort Worth, Shutka berkata, seperti yang dipetik oleh Associated Press.
Ia adalah pada masa ini bahawa Alexis mempunyai satu lagi ‘Run-in’ dengan undang-undang itu selepas seorang jiran yang tinggal di atas beliau dilaporkan dia telah dipukul oleh hampir ditembak peluru dari apartmennya.
Polis Fort Worth dipersoalkan Alexis pada September 2010 mengenai kejadian itu. Beliau mengakui untuk menembak senjata, tetapi berkata pistol sengaja dilepaskan ketika beliau membersihkannya.

Alexis telah ditangkap kerana disyaki menjalankan senjata api, tetapi Tarrant County daerah peguam jurucakap Melody Lanier McDonald berkata kes itu dibuang selepas ia telah ditentukan senjata yang dilepaskan secara tidak sengaja.
Bekas kenalan, Oui Suthametewakul, kata Alexis tinggal bersama dia dan isteri dari Ogos 2012 hingga Mei 2013 di Fort Worth, tetapi perkara-perkara yang tidak menyenangkan kerana dia tidak membayar bil-bil itu.

Suthametewakul berkata Alexis telah memeluk agama Buddha dan menghadiri kuil Buddha tempatan.
“Kami semua terkejut. Kami ganas. Harun adalah seorang pengamal yang sangat baik daripada agama Buddha. Dia boleh menyanyi lebih baik walaupun daripadanya beberapa jemaah Thai, “ Ty Thairintr, seorang congregant di Wat Budsaya, kuil Buddha di Fort Worth, memberitahu AP.
Thairintr, yang berkata beliau menyaksikan Alexis 5 minggu lalu, kata-kata yang  ke2 kecewa dengan Tentera Laut kerana “dia fikir dia tidak pernah mendapat kenaikan pangkat kerana warna kulitnya. Dia membenci panglima.”
“Dia adalah seorang Buddha yang sangat setia. Tiada tanda-tanda-kisah memberitahu tingkah laku ini, “kata Thairintr.
Pada awal tahun 2000, Alexis tinggal bersama ibunya di Queens, NY, kata Gene Demby, Philadelphia , yang berkata beliau bertarikh salah satu Alexis ‘adik pada masa itu. Beliau berkata Alexis dan 2 adik perempuan beliau mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan bapa mereka, yang bercerai ibu mereka pada pertengahan 1990-an.
“Saya tidak akan memanggil dia bagus, tetapi dia seolah-olah tidak berbahaya, benar-benar janggal,” kata Demby. “Beliau juga adalah jenis seperti sentiasa terkilan, tetapi tidak megalomaniacal atau delusional.”'
Sementara itu , Universiti Embry -Riddle Aeronautical mengesahkan bahawa Alexis telah mendaftar sebagai pelajar secara online melalui kampus Fort Worth itu. Beliau memulakan kelas pada bulan Julai 2012 dan telah mengikuti ijazah sarjana muda sains dalam aeronautik.

Bagi kemas kini langsung mengenai cerita ini yang membangun, hit sini (click here).

‘Anger-fueled blackout’

Judging by comments from people who knew Aaron Alexis - who tragically cut short the lives of 13 people, including his own – he did not come across as a visible threat.

"Pretty nice guy, didn't say anything much, you know, just said hello and kept moving,” said Calvin Belton, a neighbor of Alexis’. “He didn't strike me as anything was wrong with him."

However, below the surface of his apparent neighborly congeniality lurked signs that he was suffering from internal demons. His own father once told detectives in Seattle that his son suffered “anger management problems” related to post-traumatic stress initiated by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

In 2004, Seattle police said Alexis was arrested for shooting out the tires of a vehicle in what he later described to police as an anger-fueled “blackout,” AP reported.

According to an account on the police department's website, two construction workers had parked their car in the driveway of their worksite, next to a home where Alexis was staying. The workers reported seeing a man, later identified by police as Alexis, exit the home next to their worksite, pull a gun and fire three shots into the rear tires of their vehicle before he walked slowly back to his home.

Police eventually arrested Alexis and booked him into the King County Jail for “malicious mischief” after finding a gun and ammunition in his room.
According to the police report, Alexis told investigators he felt he had been “mocked” by construction workers the morning of the incident. Alexis also claimed he had an anger-fueled “blackout,” and could not remember firing his gun at the vehicle until an hour after the incident.
He also told police he was present during “the tragic events of September 11, 2001” and described “how those events had disturbed him” without providing further detail.

On May 5, 2007, Alexis enlisted in the Navy reserves, serving through to 2011, according to Navy spokeswoman Lt. Megan Shutka.

While in the reserves, Alexis received the National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, medals issued to personnel who served abroad and in the United States since the 9/11 attacks.

Alexis' last assignment was as aviation electricians mate 3rd class at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth, Shutka said, as quoted by the Associated Press.
It was during this time that Alexis had another run-in with the law after a neighbor who lived above him reported she had been nearly struck by a bullet shot from his apartment.
Fort Worth police questioned Alexis in September 2010 about the incident. He admitted to firing his weapon, but said the gun accidentally discharged while he was cleaning it.

Alexis was arrested on suspicion of discharging a firearm, but Tarrant County district attorney's spokeswoman Melody McDonald Lanier said the case was thrown out after it was determined the weapon discharged accidentally.
A former acquaintance, Oui Suthametewakul, said Alexis lived with him and his wife from August 2012 to May 2013 in Fort Worth, but things didn’t work out because he wasn't paying his bills.

Suthametewakul said Alexis had converted to Buddhism and attended the local Buddhist temple.
“We are all shocked. We are nonviolent. Aaron was a very good practitioner of Buddhism. He could chant better than even some of the Thai congregants,'' Ty Thairintr, a congregant at Wat Budsaya, a Buddhist temple in Fort Worth, told AP.
Thairintr, who said he last saw Alexis five weeks ago, said the latter was upset with the Navy because “he thought he never got a promotion because of the color of his skin. He hated his commander.”
“He was a very devoted Buddhist. There was no tell-tale sign of this behavior,” Thairintr said.
In the early 2000s, Alexis lived with his mother in Queens, NY, said Gene Demby, of Philadelphia, who said he dated one of Alexis' younger sisters at the time. He said Alexis and his two younger sisters had a difficult relationship with their father, who divorced their mother in the mid-1990s.
“I wouldn't call him nice, but he seemed harmless, if really awkward,” said Demby. “He also was kind of like perpetually aggrieved, but not megalomaniacal or delusional.”'
Meanwhile, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University confirmed that Alexis was enrolled as an online student via its Fort Worth campus. He started classes in July 2012 and was pursuing a bachelor's degree of science in aeronautics.

For live updates on this developing story, click here.
