Sunday, 28 July 2013

'1, 000 cedera' selepas protes Mesir . . .

'1, 000 cedera' selepas protes Mesir. Puluhan penyokong Ikhwan Muslimin yang terbunuh dan seramai 1,000 cedera selepas keselamatan Mesir memaksa melepaskan tembakan pada protes di luar Rabaah masjid al-Adawiyah Kaherah, kejadian ‘Sit-in’ sebulan oleh Ikhwan.

'1,000 injured' after Egypt protests. Dozens of Muslim Brotherhood supporters are killed and as many as 1,000  injured after Egyptian security forces open fire on a protest outside Cairo's Rabaah al-Adawiyah mosque, scene of a month-long sit-in by the Brotherhood.

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